@JonathanCampos732#27 🇺🇸


Ask @JonathanCampos732

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Are you a furry?

RefurinnTheProtogen’s Profile PhotoRefurinnTheProtogen
Almost but I don’t vibe with furry stuff. I understand them however and why they the furry. When I was super socially anxious as a teen with no work experince (which has returned again) I would day dream about just working as a mascot costume dude since it would hide me and I could freely just walk around without worry and be paid for it. Basically im not into anthropomorphic beings…unless you are Anubis or Legoshi from Beastars (I actually like those two a lot). But no I don’t want to make a fursuit or anything or…other stuff. I do kinda stupidly wish I was a werewolf sometimes tho for some reason maybe let my wild side out and go crazy in the woods running around and shit with no fear

If you have ever been in love, how would you describe the feeling?

True connection that is just…felt and everywhere in the body. Home, the feeling, if felt and heard on both sides. It’s like you find your lost part of you. And you feel complete. I did this with a fucken ghost. Not another person, ever.

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Is the world a stage

Yea I was at the top of it at one point and managed to get…unwanted attention. We all get our 15 minutes of fame don’t we. Whether we like it or not..

Do you think God want to surprise us with some amazing things coming our way, just say yes or no?

God the homie

When is it good to say fuck family?

Family is temporary but the soul is forever. Fuckkkk em and live for yourself!!

If you could wave a magic wand and instantly change one thing about yourself what would it be?

My genes from my family lol

Have you ever found yourself hoarding stuff? Today, while cleaning, I realized I have a lot of junk. I have 10 pairs of earphones that no longer work, empty medicine bottles, leftover burned candles, and various other items that serve no purpose. Makes me wonder why I even kept them in the 1st place

Yes, i was keeping old
Boxes of
Electronics I didn’t need. I threw them away today.

Are you going to watch Mike Tyson fight Logan Paul in July?

mierplas_’s Profile PhotoMierPlas
I hope Mike Tyson tears him a new one heheheheh I’m not an advocate for violence, but I can’t stand that leechy fool.

What’s the real reason why people bully people?

theartist58910’s Profile Photothe artist
They want others to feel their pain that they went through or are going through. There’s more to it than that answer, but that’s the common one I’ve noticed. Though someone told me that so I’m not taking credit. (Teal Swan over on YouTube told me).


Again why am I only seeing these personal questions now? 22 days late, bah. I’m answering personal questions :P

I just wanna move to the beach

Same but if biblical flood waters ever come back you’d be wishing for
The opposite hahahah so why not a lake instead? Oh man what a dream it be to live by the Great Lakes. It’s like an ocean, but really it’s a lake!

The angels fell from heaven and jesus rose from the grave we will cut and grasp the foreskins of our penises and cut the extra flesh amen

Hahahahahah yea I don’t really see the reason why we’d have to do that but all I do know god had to come down to our level at one point when people were more spiritual. Jesus found out ‘the secret’ tried to get people
in on it and some dumbass killed him and god was genuinely pissed hahahah I don’t even like asking Jesus for stuff because he was probably like ‘fuck this shit I’m out’ when he was getting crucified and I can’t even begin to think what he was thinking when he was supposedly resurrected. I’m just assuming stuff from my pov I need to pick a book on Jesus’ history to learn more but if I were that guy it would be biblical flood water resetting for the world hahahahahahahahah

Dude wtf is the purpose of this app like what are we really doing

Why am I just seeing these personal queeeestions, what is this sorcery? I think this app is great for many things but like a lot of people are doing on the internet….distractionsssss… escapism 👻

Promethean princess bestower of flames!

Me no princess. Me…eh I’d rather be a ghost. Also why am I just seeing this personal question. My phone be haunted too lol. Wait so what’s your original question about? :|

How is being a model?

Someone told me I should be one and internally, I was like ‘you must be on crack.’


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