

Ask @Jordynfertig

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Do you think life events determine whether you're happy or sad? Or you choose to be happy?

Obviously life events determine your emotions but you can also choose to stay happy or whatever or change your mood about it.

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What's your attitude towards small kids?

I went to my 5 year olds graduation for preschool because I’m a teacher and I made a little girl cry bc she didn’t want to go to kindergarten w/out me

Are you a gamer ?

I had lifeguard training for a water park and I only wanted to so attraction guard but they made me do the deep water test and I passed so..... guess who’s gonna be saving lives all summer.. 🙄

So i ask a question last night and people got rude about it I asked how old y'all was and some people was like nun yo business if u dont wanna answer it then dont keep youre rude comments to youre self 🙄 Am I'm Right ??

Grammar Check ?

If you are interested in me I'm 16 and if you want to chat or meet up my Facebook is RiosCampbell I am looking for a girl that's 16 and single

Ladies if you’re single and 16 I got a boy for you


Language: English