

Ask @Joseph15190

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Anything anyone want to get off their chest with me ni response feel free... I'll hear u out whenever I pop back on

cguess1218’s Profile PhotoCorey Guess
I made this because this is what I was thinking and I wanted to create it into art. I never had a real friend. In my old school and now high school I never had any friends or anyone who really wanted to become friends with me. My grandmother was confused on why I wasn’t making any friends. I’ve been s******* for a long time because of something that happened in the past
Anything anyone want to get off their chest with me ni response feel free Ill

Pussy picture pls

I’m sorry but I can give you a cock picture….nevermind you probably don’t want that

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Should I get back with my ex who had to think about breaking up with me but he really meant something else but can be very rude at points

If he treating you like that no just no


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