

Ask @Juliabbbbb5

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You are so pretty I'm jealous you are also really nice u and Oran are so cute together!

omg. no. but thank u so much :) i love u, who ever u are

I thought you liked Ryan, you guys would be perfect

I love Ryan in a best friend way. Our relationship is just best friends. No more than that.

Hello. I love u so much. Goodbye -ur BFF who is going to teach u about Harry potter

Hi there. I love u in every way possible ;) - ur BFF who is going to teach u how to juggle

Juls juls juls juls juls juls juls juls!!!! #guesswhoooo

umm... umm.. IDK! everyone calls me that.

Julia you are amazing, so pretty and talented! Your so funny and treat everyone with respect your the best idk what my life would be like without you. Thank you for being an amazing friend you are the est Julia Bradstreet Birdsell thank you

I know who you are, thank you. You have been the bestest friend ever. Thank u. U are the kind of person i need in my life. ur awesome. The ones that say nice things are the ones that i want to be friends with :)
Liked by: Ryan Krueger

We use to be really good friends. Then you started to be really mean to me but you dont realize you are mean to me and i pretend everythings ok

Please tell me who you are. I would love to become friends with u again. i am so sorry if i ever did anything mean to u. this has made me really sad so i hope u tell me who u r. text me or tell me in person. Im so sorry.


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