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share me please?Im here to help anyone with anything.if you have a problem,want answers for a question,or even if you just want a friend or someone to talk to,i'm here for everyone anytime.Ask for whatever you want.i never judge and i'll listen to you and do my best to help.stay strong.Thank you xx

∞ Never.Lose.Hope ∞

I think I like someone…but I have a boyfriend…and idk its just like

if you like someone then I personally don't think you should be with your boyfriend, your relationship should be wholly about you two, think about how you'd feel if you found out he liked someone else? plus if you have feelings for someone else it probably means you aren't with the right person and you deserve to be with the right person! take a break, some time out to focus on yourself and figure out what you want x

Every morning i walk to school & i always see this boy walking who used to go to my school. Anyway, whenever he seems me he always says 'hi' and smiles and nods his head kind off. We dont talk,but is this a sign or?

I reckon he's just being friendly but it could be more? next time say hi back and add on 'how are you' and build it up more and more

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What's a perfect weight for an incoming freshman?

like I just said, as long as you're happy and healthy it does not matter

Average weight?

don't know, don't care, asking as you're happy and healthy that's allll that matters!

Can you give us a shoutout please? We are here to help anyone with anything from A to Z. Any problem you have, anything you want to know, or even if you just need a person to talk to, we will be glad to help.we are always here for you.Stay strong and amazing <3 thanks for sharing us x (:

∞ Never.Lose.Hope ∞
lots of love

Is it okay if I'm on my period to go swimming? I'm to scared to wear a tampon

you're not suppose to no, because you could bleed and it'd contaminate the water

well during lunch he is with his friends and stuff so i don't want to come up and be all clingy and weird, and i am already sort of talking to him online but i don't want to just talk to him on the computer but not be able to talk with him in person

continue what you're doing and if you see him around the corridors etc make sure you say hi and give him a huge smile!,

well how to i get a guy to notice me if we are not in the same classes at all. I had this same problem last year and it sucked

add him on facebook? send him a message? talk to him at lunchtimes?

so there is this cute boy coming to my school, and I'm afraid he will fall for the more popular, bustier and prettier girls -.- how do i stand out besides the obvious be ''unique'' what if we don't share any classes?

just be yourself and talk to him! if he's not into you for who you are then he's not the right guy for you! just be confident, smile and speak to him, you might figure out he's not who you want either :-)

but the other problem is that she was in his class and she already talks to him a lot and invited him to her party and stuff, i don't want to be (excuse my language) bitchy and barge in. Also, when my other friend was here, she didn't know i had a crush on him, so when she said the boy had a gf, i w

nah just go for it, text him, smile at him, ask him if he wants to go to Costa/Starbucks etc! life is too short and you have nothing to lose!

No I am not friends with that girl, but I do know her. But the girl that I am direct friends with already moved away, so she wouldn't be caught in the middle of anything. but still, what should i do

if you're not close with her then yeah go for it!

I like this guy at my school, and I have started texting him, but we don't know each other too well cuz he wasn't in any of my classes last year. The problem is that I am friends with this girl, and that girl has another friend who also likes him. Should I back off or just go for it?????

are you friends with the girl that likes him though?

Our box has been kinda empty could you please share us. we want to make a difference in the world. you are never alone you will always have us. please stay strong. you can talk to us about anything. <3

Teenage Help

If you could bookmark just 5 websites, which 5 you would choose?

tumblr, facebook, staffordfm, YouTube and Twitter

ok, but if you remember pls tell your most awkward situation in your honestly opinion :p

there have just been so many!

So I just had a baby and I'm 17 and my boyfriend and I haven't been the same I'm scared things aren't going to work out but I love him to death help me how do we make things back to the way they used to be

having a baby is so stressful but especially when you're young so of course things will be a bit up and down, just go with it because the main things you should be thinking about are Loooking after and celebrating a new born child!
sit down with your partner and tell him your fears, but if he's a true man he's gonna stick around for his child!
also, congratulations:-)

So I was told yesterday by someone (who doesn't really know how to keep a secret) that my best friend kissed her boyfriend and told me not to tell anyone but my other best friend doesn't know this and I'm really tempted to tell her but I don't know what to do. Should I keep it a secret? Or not?

don't keep it a secret, people deserve to know the truth

My ex has been telling people at my school in crazy and now I'm starting to believe people hate me now cause if him

if your friends are believing your ex who is clearly nasty and bitter are they really your friends? are these people really worth your time?

My bf broke up with me and told me to kill myself..... So did like 4 other people so far this week... I used to self harm and it's getting really hard not to... I want someone to cry on..... Someone more than just a friend.... There's this one guy but we never get to see each other what should I do?

Grace Marie allbright
I hate people like that. never forget your worth. you're truly beautiful and I'm so glad and proud of you that you're still here. things will get better!
if there's someone you want to see more of just call them and tell them and meet up!

k so, i like this girl and she kind a like me too, but she has a crush on someone, what should I do? cause tbh I get jealous about it

if she has a crush on someone then she's probably in two minds about how she feels on either of you! stay away for a bit so you don't get hurt and whats meant to be will be

there is this guy and I have a major crush on him.. He is a year older than me and we have 1 class together.. My friends say that they catch him staring at me. I messaged him on Facebook when we first met and he didn't answer me.I just want him to notice me and i can't bring myself to talk to him

so just smile or in the class ask him a question, be confident, make him notice you. strut in lookin damn fine
Liked by: Shaylee Sim

How many slices of pizza do you usually eat?

slices lol?! I just shove the whole thing in my face
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