

Ask @K_HjLLz

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What is love (if you’ve never experienced it before)?

My kids.
Trust, vulnerability, honesty, the joy in helping and being happy for your other being the best they can be. Happy... caring being there for the other... ride or die... always have each other’s back even when they ain’t there.

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Your last relationship ended because...?

Marriage. 20 years known 9 years married. Divorced. ... Lies

Have y’all ever been to a chiropractor? How was it?🤔

Great... massage and cup therapy is better IMHO

What is something that you really want to hear right now?

iWillSpamYouAsk’s Profile PhotoSpam Ask
I’d like it to be true. I just want to hear the truth.
You’ve got 200 million dollars in your bank account and it be there... that be sweet

What does it mean if you keep dreaming about someone you liked years ago?

You feel for them or are attracted maybe miss

How many people do you have blocked and why do you have them blocked?

None... I got nothing to hide


Language: English