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Ask @Kaileyycarpenterr

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who in 8th grade are you close with?

Well I'm not really close with anyone in 8th grade, but I have a few good friends like Alexis, Dominique, Nina, and Olivia. I have more friends in 8th grade but they were the first ones to pop into my head loll.

Where did you get to shoot today? I really wanna shoot but idk where they let kids our age do it

Oh it was at my hunting club I've been going there since I was an infant so idk where you can do it.

Does it bother you that kelly dates Spencer?

Not at all. I know this might sound mean but I don't know why I liked him. Lol. I'm not trying to sound mean at all.

Is ir better to date a close friend, or someone who you become close too. Would u rather ruin the friendship if u break up, or just break up.

Well, if you're really close to someone and you break up, I think there would be a good chance you guys would stay friends. But it all depends on what you feel. You can't control who you like. And odds are you're going to like one of your close friends because you know them well.

Opinion on Kelly, Flavia, Nalani, and Connor

I love Kelly and Flavia. I don't really talk to Nalani much but she seems nice. And which Connor...?


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