

Ask @KatriaKoriakovskaja

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Kaip apibūdintum tikrąją laimę?

Manau kad laimė tai ira prisiminimai su artimais žmonėmis ir draugais.Prisiminimai.

Ką labiausiai norėtum daryti, jei pinigai nebūtų tikslas?

Norėčiau tapti fotografė, fotografuoti gamtą
, žmones emocijas, keliones, pastatus, šypsenas, miestus, gatves, gyvunus. Fotogrofuoti tai ko žmonės nemato, ir tai ka aš galiu jiem atverti...Manau kad pinigai net nebutu taip svarbu...

What are you doing right now?

sitting, chilling also I have to start revise cause I have exams soon..l but Im too laizy, and I already revise a lot, and everyone from my country has holidays right now, and I have to do my stupid Textiles and art work, God help me

would it be slefish of me ... if I took my life tonight?

wait...what??! It would be stupid..I actually had to read ur question twice cause I didn't get it...but anyway people ask.fm means ''ask" noot "tellmeaboutyourself''

What is the one place you want to travel to? 🌏❤

All in one place called America!
I wanna go there and I will


Language: English