

Ask @Kelswel

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What grade nines would you cry over most if they died?

Aw that's so sad...I'm not sure! Any of my friends i would be extremely upset over and cry!

What younger girls can you see yourself being friends with next year?

Cathy, Blythe, Ashley and maybe some of Ashley's friend group, idk.

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Are you going to be here for canada day?

Not sure! Depends on when I come back from cfest. Probably yes.

Are you still gonna party next year even though a lot of party people are going away? Should more people start going

Yes I'm still going to party and I probably will have a few of them! More people need to come out. All next years grade 11s and 10s should come out! Couple of nines too :)

who do you think you will get closer with next year?

Probably Ashley f cause she will be my only skating buddy

What do you look for in a friend?

Someone I can have a great time with doing random stuff, who is also loyal and actually cares about me.

Do you wear makeup to school?

Sometimes but mostly not because I'm too lazy to do that in the morning

When did your parents find out you started drinking?

Grade Ten! Hahahaha they don't know anything about grade eight and nine.

are you shy?

Not usually unless I meet new that's quite older than me or I find really attractive.

Who would you like to become friends with next year? Or seem like someone you would like to be around

Honestly anyone who is down to hang, cruise or text. If you have similar interests, hit me up because I need more friends. No one specific that I can think of.

What do you look for in a guy?

Someone who is easy to talk to, makes me laugh and is actually nice to me.

What makes you sad?

Those moments when you feel extremely alone or when I don't succeed at something that I tried hard for


Language: English