

Ask @Kelswel

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I hope your day was full of joy and happiness! Have a wonderful night and a beautiful morning <3 stay gorgeous bby :*

Idk who you are but you always make my night:)

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What scares you more than anything else?

The fact that I need to have my future figured out by this time next year. The fact that I need to be perfect in school, sports & be involved in activities to be a perfect daughter/student. Also the fact that most people leave you or completely blindside you and treat you poorly:( I'm scared of a lot nowadays...

Are u gonna dye your hair brown again? It looks good blonde but it's also really nice darker :)

I'm not sure yet! I'm going to get my hair done very soon though, my roots are annoying me! But thanks!

If you could only see three people for the rest of your life who would it be?

Kelsey, Desiree & oh god my future bf (if that will ever happen)

Have you ever been in love?

Absolutely not. I'm actually turning into a heartless bitch because all boys suck. All they do is tell lies to get in your pants. They also are sneaky little fucks and try to hide shit behind your back, but in reality you end up finding the truth. After all of this you end up heartbroken or used and you cry yourself to sleep for a long time. I have never been in love and I won't ever experience it for a long time because I'm done with little boys who are trying to be real men. Fuck feelings and all boys can go to hell. This was a terrible day to receive this question because my blood is beyond fucking boiling already ....
Liked by: Jordynn Lee Aly


Language: English