

Ask @Khan_Sammy_K

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What should I get my boyfriend for his birthday?

Anal sex. Its the gift that keeps on giving. Unless it stops giving in which case it tears 🤣

Figured I would do a SHOUTOUT! Normal Question: How are you? Weird Question(Like the ones I get all the time): Last furry thing you touched? Mine was my Cat!

Adunno14’s Profile PhotoAdam
Figured I would do a SHOUTOUT
Normal Question How are you
Weird QuestionLike the

If your bestfriend was making a mistake by being with guy who is with someone is it being a bad friend for telling them thats it not right

Friend or not, i generally dont see it as a good idea interfering in anyone's business.

Would a wheelchair put you off from dating someone? Be honest

levitate_the_world’s Profile PhotoDean
Depends who the person is. If the person i actually like is in a wheelchair then my answer is no bcuz if i already like them the wheelchair becomes irrelevant
If i dont like the person themselves then whether or not they are in a wheelchair also becomes irrelevant

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I realise theres gonna be alot of people who will pick the latter just cause they wanna be naked..
I am one of those people 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


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