

??What would you say to your young self and why?

When I was younger I was always afraid to do anything. I was afraid to go out and explore but I loved it. I was afraid to talk to new people on my own, but I did it. And I was afraid to just go out and do things. I would tell myself to have the courage to go out and do new things and meet new people and that life will be hard if you just don't... try to make a difference. I would tell myself to start my job sooner than I did, I would tell myself to give it everything I have and then I'd be farther than I am today. But I'm content with that. Not too many people can do what I do with my life. So I wouldn't inspire too much change.

Latest answers from KieraRinaeAkari

should I live in North Carolina ?

grandmasterqtip’s Profile Photoakunik
I mean, if that's what you want to do. I think every place has it's beauty, and if you find that beauty there, then yes go for it.

Do you like italian food ?

Do you like breathing? OF COURSE I LIKE ITALIAN FOOD! I really just like food of any kind...

Have you ever skip any classes if you did which class and why?

I have skipped classes before. All of them. There was a time where I didn't care about anything because I was passing all the classes, didn't really care to go to them because they were too easy and I still passed them without even going to them. I made deals with my teachers and they just let me be after I passed their tests.

Which one would you rather have .. a lifetime of nightmares evey night or a lifetime of it being almost impossible to even fall asleep no matter how tired you are?

Considering I live through both every day, I guess I couldn't care less. Literally can't fall asleep without being exhausted, and when I do get to sleep, I have nightmares. So... I kinda deal with this anyways.

What is your outfit atm?

A t-shirt, a pair of basketball shorts, and socks. Super comfy right now.

Do you like cold weather ?

I'm not huge on cold weather as I was raised in a desert. But I have learned to appreciate it more and more as I grow older now. It's beautiful, though I do bundle up quite a bit.

Are humans animals? (biologically)

Yes, we are animals. We all eat, sleep, and require water to survive just like EVERY other animal on Earth. Just because we're more intelligent (which is debatable in some cases), doesn't mean that we aren't animals all the same.

How do you feel about yourself?

Hmm, I'm the greatest thing since sliced bread was a thing. I also make good hammy sammies, so that's a plus. I'm awesomely great, but I'm only as good as others see me.

If you were a car, what kind of car would you be?

I'd be a smart car. I'm small as shit and funny looking but you can fit a surprising amount of stuff. :P

Language: English