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i follow you on instagram and saw your link in your description :/

Do I follow you? Maybe I'm paranoid. Thanks for the kind words. How're you?
Liked by: Ali Mohamed

damn thats sad. sorry to hear. but yeh atleast you are appreciating life and living you know. people are made to make mistakes, its what we learn from them that makes us who we are , i guess.

Alright I think I know who you are now
Liked by: Ali Mohamed

what happened/whats your illness

Oh Jesus. Alright, I'm diagnosed bipolar, and when I got sick 2 winters ago I lost my girlfriend at the time. While I was delusional, she still meant a lot to me. I've also hurt my family pretty badly, mentally especially. I could go on and on, but at the end of the day I only care about a few people and all I can do is grow and learn and appreciate life. I think I'm trying to protect myself, but then again I'm not really sure. You have no obligation to be who you were 5 minutes ago.
Liked by: Ali Mohamed

what is your one regret if you have any

Going crazy on people and driving them away because of my mental illness in the past. Especially those I loved from the bottom of my stomach..
Liked by: Ali Mohamed

Language: English