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Ask @Lady_Eloquent

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Defenses make distrust, but openness creates trust. When we’re not afraid to be ourselves is when we trust the other most, and when they least have a reason to rival us - Your thoughts?

Seagullicarus’s Profile PhotoShahaf Yefet
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. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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Do you know what builds distrust?
Lying. Betraying. Enjoying to cause pain in another being for nothing more than amusement. Ignoring the pain of a close one, just so you don't have any troubles. That builds real distrust.
Openness is only okay if you're 100% sure the other person does not intend to harm you in any way. Nowadays nearly no one can give you a guarantee for this.
Liked by: Robin Hood Zaib Layla

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What is the most beautiful situation happened between you and your mother? 🤍

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. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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Maybe that I don't even know a situation that she didn't offered me her help, or didn't offered me a place to stay or food. I think my mom is the most caring and protective human being alive. But I think neary everyone thinks that about their mum's. x'D
Liked by: Robin Hood Nigrum Layla
+2 answers Read more

Life update from your country/city?

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. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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Everyone's at home. Feels like living in a Ghost Town right now. xD

Как ты думаешь, что портит людей? Власть? Деньги? Слава?

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. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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[ What do you think spoils people? Power? Money? Glory? ]
Я думаю, что это эгоизм, жестокость и невежество.
Люди часто не верят, что быть холодным и невежественным - это благословение. Может быть для тебя. Но вы становитесь обузой для тех, кто любит вас, и это жаль. Вы не хотите, чтобы вокруг вас был хладнокровный человек, потому что вы знаете, какие проблемы они могут вызвать. Так что не будь собой хладнокровный человек.
I think it's egoism, cruelty and ignorance.
People often misbelieve that being cold and ignorant is a blessing. Maybe for you. But you become a burden for the ones who love you and that's a pity. You don't want a cold-hearted person around you because you know what problems they can cause. So don't be yourself one.

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Liked by: Layla

[⭐] Frase ❥「 Y, si él llegara a quererme tan siquiera un poco, sería tan feliz que mi corazón podría paralizarse... 」¿Has tenido un amor no correspondido? ¿Qué sientes cuando estas enamorad@? 🍃 Ten un lindo día 🍂

giasantiago13’s Profile PhotoGia
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. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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[ And, if he came to love me even a little, he would be so happy that my heart could freeze ... ... Have you had unrequited love? What do you feel when you're in love? 🍃 have a nice day ]
Yes, I had. It's a painful feeling. Feels like you've made a room for someone in your heart. But they didn't make a room for you too, so you have to force yourself to lock that room and never take a peek back into it unless you want to feel that loads of heavy garbage that stuck in this room because it's filled with all those unrequired feelings that no one wants to know about.
But being in love with the right person is the most wonderful experience I've had so far. Nothing that I say could ever describe this warm feeling that love brings along itself.
Have a nice day yourself, dear Gia.

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Leave a thought. 🥀

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. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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There's a difference between an antisocial person and a narcissist.
The antisocial-person will tell you straight away when they want to be contacted and when not. Probably in a month or two months. No matter. They don't even lie about it.
A narcissist will lie and give you excuses over excuses. But afterwards, it's going to be anyways your fault for being so pushy and not empathic enough. ;)


Umbra_draconis’s Profile PhotoLayla
❝As I pass through the lengthy struggle of life in this fleeting world, I cannot help but long for the midnight moon I once saw.❞
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Inuyasha · Kanna
As I pass through the lengthy struggle of life in this fleeting world I cannot

May this day be filled with wonderful new beginnings in your life; a day of joy and so pleasant without any strife. May you find this day is sweet just like you. May your life be filled with so much kindness and blessings too!

SloanYecats’s Profile PhotoYe olde poetic ghost writer
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. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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Thank you for still sending me this positive messages. They are very much appreciated. :)

Who is ready for all this coronavirus junk to go away? We can't go anywhere anymore... It's absolutely sad. Down here they're closing some schools down now completely for the rest of the year... I'm just about done with all of this stuff.

Ice_Frozen_Vocals’s Profile PhotoŞωεεT† ɮȩ̷̠̝͙̎̑̆ℓℓล ♡♪
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. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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In my city, it looks similar. Everything is closed besides supermarkets and pharmacy. Oof.

Do you have any family that lives anywhere else besides where you are currently at in the world? A different country of some sort maybe? Would you care to share? (You do not have to answer this question.)

Ice_Frozen_Vocals’s Profile PhotoŞωεεT† ɮȩ̷̠̝͙̎̑̆ℓℓล ♡♪
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. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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Yes, I have family, who still live in Russia.

True but to heal you have to speak your heart out, I myself deal with victims of narcissism and know how difficult it is for a person to heal after she or he has been taken for a ride. In the begining you look at everythig suspiciously but in the long run learn to trust people again.

fragranceofsoul’s Profile PhotoNuha Sarwar
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. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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I speak my heart out. I know that it's important and I inform myself a lot about narcissistic behaviour since I had to deal with a narcists I trusted a lot, once. I speak about it often with my partner and sometimes with my best friend. Both of them supported me greatly through a rough time in my life. I'm definitely stronger by now because of this experience but can't help being always suspicious about narcissistic behaviour. I grew into a cautious state of being but I'm rather safe than sorry.
Liked by: Robin Hood Nadia Layla
+1 answer in: “Ways to your heart? 💜”

Как думаешь, что вкладывают родители во фразу "какие у тебя могут быть проблемы? Ты еще ребенок". Действительно ли у детей/подростков не может быть проблем?🥴

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. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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Я думаю, что это вопрос уважения. Уважение должно идти в обе стороны. Родители, которые хотят заслужить уважение своих детей, должны научить их этой форме уважения, уважая своих детей. Вы не можете уважать кого-то, кто не уважает вас. Никогда не принимай без раздачи.
I think it's a question of respect. Respect has to go both ways. Parents who want to earn the respect of their children have to teach them this form of respect by respecting their children. You cant respect someone, who don't respect you. Never take without giving out.

What has been your biggest challenge in life and how did you overcome it?

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. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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I struggled with anxiety and depression phases.
Furthermore, I'm an HSP. Therefore I'm a special snowflake. Srsly I have my moments when I'm super fragile, in this phase my partner and my mom are probably the only ones who can bear with me.
Don't know if I ever overcome those phases. It's just an everyday fight trying my mind to influence in more positive thinking.

What’s the most memorable lesson you learned from your parents?

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. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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From my mum, the biggest lesson I learned is that forgiveness sets you more at peace than holding a grudge. Although in some personal cases I still can't forgive even when I want to. But I'm working towards this because I believe it hurts me more than the one who wronged me. And therefore I choose peace over anger.

Did you ever listen to Michael Jackson? Did you like him?

Ice_Frozen_Vocals’s Profile PhotoŞωεεT† ɮȩ̷̠̝͙̎̑̆ℓℓล ♡♪
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. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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Yes. I like his music. He is definitely a legend when it comes to pop music. He left his footprint on the genre and influenced it heavily.
I don't know if I like him personally. Because I don't know him. All I know is, I can't judge him cause I don't know if the things thats said about him are true or not true.
Liked by: Emily Layla Gia

👕🍀 Whether you celebrate it or not still Happy Saint Patrick's Day to all of you! 🍻 Hope you all have had a good and productive day! 🍀💚

Ice_Frozen_Vocals’s Profile PhotoŞωεεT† ɮȩ̷̠̝͙̎̑̆ℓℓล ♡♪
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. συт σf ρσтαтσ qυєєи
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In Germany Saint Patrick's Day is not celebrated. I only know that people wear green on this specific day. How do you usually celebrate this? :)
Liked by: Emily Layla Gia


Language: English