
Lanuansha Irianto

Ask @Lanuanshia

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Tak terasa gelap pun jatuh. Di ujung malam menuju pagi yang dingin. Hanya ada sedikit bintang malam ini. Mungkin karena kau sedang cantik-cantiknya.

Haduh diabetes nanti aku
Liked by: Banhfun

Ya kalo sering pake fondesyen mah ngaku aja mbak

Ini siapa kok nge gas banget... ?
Aku anti foundation ? beacuse really, with this complexion? Rugi banget aku tutupin kulit pakai foundi, nggak sehat tauk ??✌?
Pernah sih ada masa nya hobi pakai foundation, maklum lagi demam makeup, masa2 baru kenal makeup.. tapi itu sudah 5 tahun yg lalu ?

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Siapa orang yang menginspirasi kamu untuk jadi lebih baik?

It may sound cocky, but my inspiration was my mistakes.
I have a picture of who I’m becoming. But sometimes, miscalculation happens ?
I have done plenty, mistakes done to my self, and to others. Oopsy, big time.
Life requiring practicality. Issa real deal. How do you DO your life. What meanings that you serve for yourself, others, and society. And don’t forget that you’re competing with time. Which the first is THE FIRST?
It’s like baking a cookie. Different ingredients, different taste.
Once you know what kind of cookie you are, you’re not gonna be insecure of the taste of another cookie.

What’s 2018 to you?

A very stormy time. Year of lessons.
Life tested me with what I really wanted yet at the same time laugh at me saying “is that what you need?”
Life gave me opportunities to be who I dreamed of yet at the same time asked me, “is that what makes you fulfilled?
And here I am, assessing all of the life choices that went wrong.
A little voice mumbling from afar, thats the old me trying to survive from all the storm,
“Stick to your roots, fight for what really matters”

Hal apa yang membuatmu gugup?

Pernah sempet kena panic attack gara2 mikirin seseorang. You know, difficulty to breath.
It is weird tho.. padahal presentasi sesulit apa pun, even ujian skripsi, ngga pernah panik apalagi gugup. It was always a piece of cake ??‍♀️

Kalo cuaca lagi hujan deras, trus kamu lagi sendirian di rumah biasanya kamu ngapain aja sih?

Nangis aja sih paling

Apakah yang diajar oleh kehidupan kepada kamu selama ini?

Harus dan wajib melakukan pemanasan sblm melakukan olahraga apapun!
P.S: Suffering back pain and major muscle pain after having cross fit ??

Are owls cute, evil or wise?

Yes I know it is funny to see an owl as something wise. But they do look like a wise grandpa ?

What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?

“Im gonna eat Sambal Matah no matter what”.
And, I did.. make it ?

Parfum yang kamu suka itu wanginya yg seperti apa?

Aku sebenernya suka banget wangi susu, tapi kan ngga ada ya parfume yg base notes nya milky :( *serius *beneransedih
Liked by: Marista

Whom would you like to meet?

There’s a somebody.. I’m longing to see
I hope that he.. turns out to be..
Someone who watch.. over me ?


Language: English