Ask @LeenShy

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On the 4th of July do you like to light the fireworks or watch the fireworks 🎆🎇

Usually watch now

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What’s the best way to win a girls heart?

Be yourself, truthful, and little romantic/flirt respectfully

Guys if u agree 100% to any girl just so they like u more and not bc u actually agree, you fr need to grow a nutsack. Like bro gain an opinion for yourself.


Do men or women have higher standards? I would say women bc they want things that a man cannot work on to get better.


Chain because you spent an example have people hate the forbidden fruit always late evenings what food for how Freddy Krueger is overrated?


Strangers on internet beg for my phone number so I give them fake phone number then block them

I remember that rejection hoteline lol


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