
Lekota Koch

Ask @LekotaKoch

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Yeah, but wasn't the goal to prove that he isn't the guy she talks about anymore? And to get time with his child, and have his right? He got that. So why add on more drama? People are ALWAYS going to say something no matter what. Y'all shouldn't entertain them.

Well idk, its entirely up to matt about what he wants to do.

I don't think any one can co parent like Maci and Ryan. Alex and Matt should take notes.

Maxi and Ryan still hook up, I've heard, so that's probably why they co parent so well.

Why would either of you even think about signing up for the show?

I guess so matt can get his side out so ignorant people can see the truth.

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Do you think that it's kind of a sad thing that she will never really know her dads side of the family because he doesn't really have a relationship with them? I mean she knows his mom, but that's it. And it's good cause she'll know your family, but it's not her "blood" family, it's just marriage

Don't you think its kinda sad that they abandoned him? That they know who he is but they don't care? My family is all he needs, we brought him in when he didn't even know him, that's a better family than they have been.

Why is that "no comment" why wouldn't you respect her as her mother? It's not one person that doesn't think she's a good mom.

I would rather not say. Out of respect for her and matt and the situation.

The producers of the show can't really make someone "look bad" unless they are doing things to make themselves look bad. Of course they edit and exaggerate things, but the person has to be doing something that looks bad so they can even edit it that way...

You'd be surprised what they can do with editing..

I think that's all you can do to be honest. What else is there besides spoiling her, and setting a good example? Nothing really.

Exactly. Like obviously I'll help care for her but matts the parent, I'm just there for support.

Online is 10000x worse! But can't you go to class and work? It is possible.

I take six classes, four days a week and I don't drive so I'm dependent of the bus so no, I'd only be able to work weekends and I'm looking to work more than that and I'd rather do online for more private reasons.

Do you think Alex had a right to act the way she did? I mean you say Matt told you everything, but can't you atleast see that she was clearly hurt, (he was also) but as a "girl" don't you understand?

I'm not that type of girl, but I guess so. I've never been in their situation so I can't say. Like sure, I feel bad for her but that's just cause I feel bad for everyone who gets their heart broken. I'm a sucker for love.

what kind of relationship do you want with arabella?

I really don't know, like I'll be her step mom but I'm not trying to be any type of mom at 18, I just wanna be someone who helps spoil her and sets a good example for her.

I hope your not taking a break from school. I hate school, but I have to go.

I'm thinking about doing on line, its harder intellectual wise and it will also let me get a job.

so your parents take care of you and matt? why dont u guys work?

Matts getting a job and I'm a fulltime student

Do you answer all of Matt's questions for him? The way you two type is the exact same, like certain words and punctuation.

No, we just speak and write the same way.

Do you have a job?

No. I'm a full time college student but seeing as how my life is about to change, I'll probably be getting one.

dont mind that Moxie girl. she talks shit about everyone and than wsntd to be friends with them lol

I can see that lol

Do u think Wendy will be nice and polite to Matt during his visitation? We know how Alex treats him but I hope Wendy can be polite to him and mature enough to know a kid needs her dad too. We know she's biased since Alex is her daughter but hope she's nice to Matt while supervising.

Wendy is very civil and levelheaded so matt and I think he will be just fine.

Out of curiosity why do you think it's fair for Matt to treat Bellie like shit and leave her for 2 years while he sobers up, to then magically pops back in her life when HE is ready? What makes that okay? Extremely selfish to make a child wait for you to grow the fuck up.

You do realize he was there for the first six to nine months and he spent all day with her while everyone worked and then he had to leave to get sober, you also realize she is two and she isn't going to remember he wasn't there so bugger off.

You should talk to Matt about writing a book. He needs to share his story from childhood till now. He has so many fans and supporters. He is an inspiration!!!

I try!!!


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