
Lekota Koch

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Do you plan on using what Alex has been saying on her Ask/Twitter in court? I think it will really help your case, esp. the dates of when she was at Wendy's but said she wasn't.

Yeah, Matt has all of that stuff. It helps in a few areas.

http://instagram.com/p/iMc_-XqynX/ omg have u seen this? Her face is all matts in this picture!!!

Hahah. She always has the oddest faces. I think she looks like Alex when she was little and Matt how he looks now. Its awesome how their features blended to give her such a beautiful face. It makes me excited to see what our children will look like.

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Omg Joe Chyt is defending Matt on Alex's ASK, and Mandi told her to block him bc he's a "troll". If that's not calling the pot calling the kettle black I don't know what is.

Mandi is seriously the creepiest thing.

I really hope you guys make amazing progress in court in January. It's complete bullshit that Alex bitched about Matt not being in Arabella's life, and now she's making it damn near impossible for him to do so.

I think we will. All the evidence is in Matt's favor. She can't make a case against him.

What I don't understand is why Alex didn't call Matt to let him know they were there....it's a two way street.

Because Alex doesn't want him in Bellies life. Parental alienation.

"Matt was to call Friday night to schedule a visit he never called. Belli and I were at my moms all Saturday did not leave once because it was snowing so why didn't he call Friday to set up a visit Saturday?" -That's her latest excuse. Always blaming him...

But he did call! He was told Alex wasn't leaving her house Saturday to bring Bellie to Wendy's.

Since when is Matt supposed to call Alex to set up visits? That's what she's saying now, but I thought all communication was through Wendy?

All communication IS through Wendy. He calls Alex every Friday to speak to Bellie but last week when he had work.. He only had time to call Wendy to set up his Sat visit and she said Alex wasn't coming over due to weather. Every Monday he calls Alex's grandparents to talk to Bellie but sadly, they're not too supportive so usually they don't talk and he calls Wendy at least once a week to try and set up a visit. She knows he doesn't have texting and she needs to call the house, if she chooses not to do that, than that's on her. Not Matt. He makes an effort. My whole family sees that and I don't think if three people back Matt up in court about his phone calls, especially when we get their phone records, they can do anything about it.

Why would he let a fight with Alex interfere with seeing his daughter though? He doesn't really communicate with Alex as it is now.

He decided that them going at it all the time wasn't going to change anything. That she'd be happier if he just walked away. He also needed and wanted the time to better his life so that when he did fight for custody, he'd have everything in order. It wasn't an easy thing for him to do but he decided it needed to be done.

Do you think Matt would be trying as hard to see Bellie if he wasn't with you? Alex makes it seem like he's only trying to impress you.

When I first met Matt, he talked about Bellie nonstop. He talked about her like she was the most perfect little girl and you could really tell how in love with her he was. He tried seeing her and my friends and I even told Alex we'd make sure he was wherever she wanted him to be for visits and she wasn't having it.. When they got into a huge fight and Matt decided to stop trying and give her space, it was the hardest thing he has ever done. He was depressed for months and tormented over not being able to see Bellie. I'd show him a picture or a video of her and he'd start crying. It was heart breaking. He really loves his little girl and I know for a fact it has nothing to do with me. I'm just here to encourage them and support them.

I hope one day Alex realizes you're not there to make her life miserable.

I don't think she thinks that, I just think she sees me as the enemy. Which is crazy because I've made it known I don't want to replace her or interfere in her relationship with her child, I just want her to let Matt in Bellies life.

What are you guys up to for Matt's birthday? :)

We're laying around, cuddling, watching National Lampoons Christmas Vacation. Its his favorite lol

Does your family have any holiday traditions that you'll pass onto yours and Matt's future family?

Christmas pickle, elf on the shelf, huge dinner, Just Dance, my family has tons!

What's your favorite Christmas/holiday memory? :)

I really enjoy just having all my siblings under the same roof because when the five of us get together, it's never a dull moment.

Do you wish you could spend Christmas with Bellie too?

No because Matt and her need this bonding time. it's really important to me that they have a strong father daughter relationship. there's plenty of Christmases to come and honestly, idk what I'd do with a two year old on christmas!

I have colitis, very similar to crohns symptom wise. Just a bit of support. I'm 22 and was diagnosed at 14. At that point i was too ill for school. I stayed home all the time. Now I'm the opposite. Uni and a job. It does get easier to cope with and you will live normally again!

thanks, that really gives me hope!

Matt is truely a role model with what he has overcome. Good luck to the both of you. Perfect couple! X

Thank you! :)

hypothetical. If you'd been cheated on, but worked though it with the guy, how would you feel about the girl he cheated with? would jealousy/anger get the better of you, or since you're trying to fix your relationship, would you try to forgive and forget her too? personally handling this.

If I was cheated on but we were working it through, personally that would never happen. In my eyes, there is no working it through. I wouldn't do anything to either of them besides make it well known that he's a pig and she's a home wrecking slut.

I heard matt and alex have been hooking up behind your back and she's pregnant again with his child. You jealous hoe? Like you're jealous that alex has a baby with matt and you don't and probably never will since you probably aren't capable plus you'd be a shitty mom alex will always be better.

Behind my back when? The bus ride to work?! Hahahahah! Good one.

You say that you don't think "teen mom" is accurate yet you base your opinions on je on the show and articles...isn't that EXACTLY what you don't like people doing about Matt? You don't know her personally. You're really down to earth but you and matts hatred for her makes people question you.

Actually, Matt knows more about the TMs than most people.. we base our opinions on shit he's been told by people in the business.


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