
Lewis Colman

Ask @LewisColman

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What popular Lewis are you on about in the common room?

Lewis B or something I think, he's before me on the register dunno, he may even spell his name differently i dont know?

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oh jog on anons,phoebes whole face lights up when she talks about or to Lewis so they're very much in love& making up fake rumours just to try & ruin their/her happiness is so unbelievably shallow & pathetic.Leave them the hell alone unless you're gonna come forward and admit who u are, utter twats.

Thank you :)

Nah, I know it's you for sure

Look, her cousin is in our year, she's spoken to him about me yeah? It's not like we are close friends so it's not like he'd lie, don't you think he would say something if this was all true alright? Why do you think you'll win this

What, with a girlfriend called Phoebe?no, I've got the right Lewis

Alright relax? I mean you might of thought that Lewis was with Phoebe

Whatever, slide your way out of it, I will prove to Phoebe soon so she can leave you??

You know there is another Lewis that hangs out with the common room lot and is popular right? You could be mixing us up?

Well, there's quite a few, private studies, when you were in the common room a while ago, when you go in the cafeteria, anywhere really??

Never speak to any girl in the common room lot, they are all the popular girls, I can think of 2 girls I could have potentially say hi or smile to and because ones in my business now and the other used to be in my form, and I'm not saying there name because I'm not bringing them in on this

I'm just annoyed at how much of a dick you are. And I do know you flirt, as it happens basically everyday, I see it happening???

Everyday, so name a room it happens in?

Trust me, I can make her end it with you when she gets some proof and no I won't ban them from the opposite sex?its only how you act and flirt with them all, you better enjoy mugging her off, because it won't last for long you dick

You know how small you seem swearing like that all the time? Shows your un-confidence, and honestly, you know I don't flirt with any girls, I barely have any friends that are girls

What I want from this is for Phoebe to get out of the relationship with you as you do not deserve her. You do not show her any respect and all you do is mug her off. Honestly, I'm not going to stop until Phoebe actually sees what you're like, I don't care if it splits you two up, she deserves better

Good luck, me and Phoebe are pretty glued together and we love each other and love is hard to break when you are in a healthy loyal relationship but I guess you wouldn't know in your relationship where you ban each other from seeing the opposite sex

Yes I am, I'm in your year, hence how I know what you're like round girls. Yes, you can talk to girls because that's not a bother but how you act around them is mugging Phoebe off so bad and I can't bare to watch it anymore!

This is silly now, you understand how immature you are, you're trying to end a perfectly normal relationship, me and phoebe are happy and just because you are jealous doesn't mean you have to be like this? This is next level wrong and you are seriously crossing the line here because you probably are starting to make Phoebe paranoid and that is wrong as you are trying to intervene and if I'm honest you aren't going to hurt me because I know the real truth, the only person you are potentially hurting right now is Phoebe, so if you are jealous, and maybe you love Phoebe, then maybe think about her, don't just hope you end the relationship so you can get her, think what you are doing to her because the last thing you should be trying to do right now is hurt a girl you like

You twist your way out of everything with her!just wish I could show her what you're like in sixth form

You a sixthform student? I imagined year 9 top

I'm not?i want Phoebe to know the truth and to be with someone who treats her better than you!

Phoebe knows the truth, because you aren't the truth

Omg love how Anons assume so much shit. Seriously big whoop he talks to other girls who doesn't he can't help seeing them everyday. Lols.

I think they're talking about social media, if not then that's the most immature thing I've ever heard, if they mean in real life then he's gonna have a great and healthy relationship hiding from every other girl not to upset his girlfriend, his girlfriend shouldn't even be upset about that unless their is a logical reason because there might be a certain person they don't want them talking to for whatever reasons and that's fine but stopping all females? So healthy stopping them from talking to the opposite sex
Liked by: Lauren


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