
Liam Armstrong

Ask @Liam_Armstrong

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Iiamm you absolute geeza, been best mates for fuck knows how long now, ones of the funniest people i know, have a shit tonne of funny memories, still gotta give me a race when i get my bike🏁 mine should be good, you might actually pull😏😂 love you geez

Kieran berry
Awe you QT 🙊😂 still remember like 5 years ago when you fell out of the that tree and I was just holding on for my life 😂😂 I'll race you but don't cry when I beat ya 😉😂 if I don't pull them your mum's always there for last resort so it's fine...💦😅😂 jkjk, ly too Geeza 💕
Liked by: Kieran berry

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Leeham, valuable group member, the walk to glens last night was eventful😂 so funny and all that, but no matter how dench you think you are you will not beat me in those arm wrestles💪🏼x

Joe Salvia
The way we walk back to glens was an awful idea 😂 didn't help that mine & marcus' phones died 😂 ahah I'll give you another one soon 💪🏼 cheers Josephine x
Liked by: Joe Salvia

Liam Armstrong😎 my funny man! Always throwing 'your mum' jokes about our group😂 probably one of the biggest laughs in the group, shit at fifa though😏 hopefully we'll be in some of the same classes for college drinking partner🍻 x

Marcus Westmoreland
😂 cheers geeza & I'm king of Fifa mate... Everyone has a bad game every so often though 😅😂 yeah hopefully, known my luck I'll have no one I know in all my classes 😂x

Spoken quite a bit and our walk from maddies was good😂 so lovely and vgoodlooking, also hope you're ankles okay now😏😂 should speak more tho xxx

Kayleigh scott
The walk from maddies was so funny 😂 it's all good, my ankles alright now ahaha 💪🏼 thankyouu & we should! Xx
Liked by: Kayleigh scott

Oh Liam i bet you thought i forgot.. You are my one and only drinking partner🍻 wish you saw my chunder dragon😂 thats gonna be our goal, to do one together😂💪🏼 one of the group, also one of my best mates, v funny and we all need to meet up soon😩 been too long💞💞💞💞

Marcus Westmoreland
Damn straight 🍻 oh god ahaha I think I saw it on snapchat, can't remember 😂 but aw you cutie 💜 & when Harry's back from Turkey we'll get the group to do something 💪🏼 been way too long 😑💕💕

Liam , gym buddy cause we go like all the time were just dench now ;) Na but seriously would consider you one of my best mates ! Your a decent fella easy to get on with and a right laugh

Sam Frampton
Ahaha we need to go again soon 💪 but aw cheers geeza 😏 also have 100 Chem at football 💯
Liked by: Sam Frampton


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