

Ask @LolliepoppxoxO

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What helps you to make the right decision?

My gut feeling about things. I dunno like whether that decision feels right with me. Other people have a massive part of making decisions for me too.

Are you addicted to shopping?

No I'm rubbish at shopping....I just get so bored and don't like spending too long in a shop :P maybe if I had more money I would enjoy it more :L ha

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If you had 24 hours to spend anyway you wanted, and money wasn't a concern, what would you do?

Spend the day with Justin and Demi. I'd never have enough money to do that so is choose that :P

How important is money to you?

Not that important. I hate money but it's annoying because this world is obsessed with money.

Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?

Umm in real life I spoke to my dad like a few minutes ago :L

Which animal would you love to be for a day?

A monkey or a dolphin :L probably would rather be a dolphin. Orr a dog so I can understand what my dog thinks :P ha

I look at you, and all I see is a model. I look at you, and all I see is an honest generous young lady who isn't judgmental about people. I look at you.. and I immediately fall into the deep depths of your eyes, awestruck at how beautiful you truly are <3

Aww that's the sweetest thing ever <3 who are you? I'm defo not a model but that's so nice. :') made me smile :)

What can spoil your day?

Arguments and fights. They remind me of when my parents split up so always makes me upset.

What kind of movies do you like?

I like most types of films really. Mainly chick flicks and family comedy's and musicals but love scary films too but trying not to watch them atm because they gave me nightmares :L ha don't like sci fi an stuff like that.

What sort of things would you do to amuse yourself during a car journey?

Listen to music and sing :L tweet, text and talk :P

What websites do you go to everyday?

I don't really go on websites everyday...but mostly twitter and I check and look on fb. :L

What's the best thing that happened to you today?

Well I was out drinking last night and we stay out at the club/pub thing till about 3:00 and so it was a good then because we were dancing, having fun and stuff :)

What is the best news you could hear right now?

That my mum has won loads of money so we can still live at my house and pay off all the debts. And that I'm going to meet Peter Andre, Justin Bieber or Demi lovato! :L

What is your favorite pic of yourself?

Umm I dunnooo :L I think probably this one fr years ago ..:me and my sister <3


Language: English