

Have you ever watched the web series Bravest Warriors? If so, what do you think about them requiring you to get an app called VRV to be able to watch the rest of season 3 (which is only available in the U.S)?

I haven't watched any of the episodes yet (as I have no idea where the first episode is), but I've heard about the incident.
Basically, RebelTaxi summed it up perfectly well, considering the fact that animators had to deal with watch time being more important than views as well as the animators taking them more time to produce, I can understand as to why they would do that method and THEN release it on YouTube for free simply because they need more monies to work and stuff.

Latest answers from 8363MTR

What type of foods/snacks do you usually eat while making videos?

Idk, just random stuff. I usually don't really knew about what snacks or food I eat while I'm working on a video.

Favorite episode of South Park?

Cartman Joins NAMBLA
I just thought that the jokes were perfect, and I really love the side-story of Kenny and stuff.

Thoughts on MegaDoopTV now continuing to make Rants?

Well good on him. Wish him luck in the near future, then!

https://goo.gl/l7vmIg Feel like answering my question? (it's a link to a post on my blog)

Best: The lance1000 one.
Worst: The one that you did on Kuromefan.
Note: I have not seen all of your commentaries yet, so this is not the best judgement, but from what I've seen, this is what I've come up with.

Language: English