

Ask @Magnusthecreator

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Did you did out why Noah won't talk to you ?

Well so me and phillip had a "secret" person find out for us , so they said Noah feels like if he hangs out with us too much his girlfriend will get upset and break up with him.
And he's never had a girlfriend in his whole life he always use to call himself ugly and say suicidal stuff he eventually stopped but now his girlfriend is like making him feel 100 times better
So he is kinda like breaking away from us and he said that me and Phillip broke the promise we made when we were little and the promise was that none of us would ever get girlfriends cause that would replace each other so Noah had found out that me and Phillip were dating people and be got mad and felt left out so he wouldn't break up with his girlfriend unless we broke up with ares so me and Phillip did and Noah talked to us today and omg this whole thing is confusing and weird

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Liked by: Jaeda Andrell lawl

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Describe what a good friend means to you?

One that DOESN'T pick his girlfriend over you
One that has curly hair (;
One that has blueish green eyes (;
One that is taller then you (;
One who's first name is Phillip xD (;
One who likes to LEEDLE with you (;
One who watches scary movies with you (;
One who supports you (;
One that eats McDonald's with you (;
One that falls asleep on the floor with you (; xD

Benjamin's such an arse.. I fell bad for you being his "cousin" and please advise everyone at your school to stay away from him! Hahaha, also I don't understand how he can cut and try to kill himself but then encourages others to do it, but when it's him he wants all the support he can get.. -.-

:/ idek

SCROLL DOWN trust me this will put a smile on your face, make your day, or help you Every night , someone thinks about you before they go to sleep, At least fifteen people in this world love you. The only reason someone would ever hate you Is because they want to be you love you Magnus

Liked by: megs Sarah.


Language: English