

Ask @Magnusthecreator

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K look I was trying to be as nice as possible. You seriously need to chill out, maybe take a break from ask and Everything else, you think everyone else wants to hear you talk shit about your fans because that's rude. Just stop, try to be a little more nice for a change :/

Jade Kohut
What's that can't hear you

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Okay look all your fans are trying to support you, and you don't even have the decency to thank them? I know you are going through a really hard time right now but is it to hard to just say thank you? If you can't do that then you don't need fans :/ all I'm saying is that they are here for YOU.

Jade Kohut
What's that? Can't hear you

Wow bro. You don't realize how many people like you? Your fans???? Oh yeah that's right. The ones you called annoying and creepy. Wow man c'mon look at what your saying to everyone.

Hey look how many fucks I give >>>> oh wait none
Liked by: Caitlyn Edwards

Would you care if one of your fans killed themself ?

I'm done
Why don't everyone just kill themself
Because everyone seems to want to
And I want to kill myself too :'(
Benjamin is still cheating on me right in my face and I can't believe I was stupid to tell him it's ok like wtf?! Cheating isn't ok I should have broke up with him
Oh it's all about the ugly fucking suicidal maniac fans
Never about me oh ok I see -.-

turn off your notifications and put your phone on silent! and if your head hurts u shud put a cold cloth on it , it helps

Your making my phone vibrate.
Liked by: Jaeda Andrell

I didn't use alcohol ! and why?? :(

I'm sick and can't sleep and every 5 seconds my phone wakes me up from vibrating T_T and I would like to blow my head off and my stomach and head hurts.

I played my first game of beer pong last nite :P :3

Ok and my stomach and head hurts and I don't care about anyone else


Language: English