

Ask @Magnusthecreator

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What was the first thing on your mind this morning?

- Benjamin
-oh has Benjamin answered my message
-have to see if Benjamins ok
-even tho Benjamin cheated on me idek
-where's Benjamin
-ok I'm going back to sleep
Liked by: Jose Rosas ✌️

Do you honestly know how many people are in love with you? They're so many other people ou there, that are willing to love you for you and wouldnt ever want to hurt you. Sorry things didnt work out with Benjamin. But your still young and you've got so much else to live for so keep going❤

Ughhhh :(
Liked by: Jennifer Rice

Ben doesn't deserve something as amazing as you! don't let someone so ungrateful of what he has put you down because your so much more than that!! you amazing in every way possible! he's lost something tht could've been beautiful and if he can't see any of that then he's not worth it! <333

No no no I was not on for a couple days and all I wanted to do was come back and talk to him about our problems :'( but he deleted his kik or something and he's not on Facebook or anything and I can't go to his house because he's not there and idk I'm so sad ! :'( I just want to know why he cheated and what I did wrong but now I can never find out :'( !!!

Why do some people get overly attached to others (emotionally) ? How does being attached to someone benefit them ?

Black Media
This relates to what happened to me.... Once you get attached to them and they see that your attached to them there gonna do something horrible on purpose to make you want to hurt yourself or feel stupid that you have put so much trust in that person that was just gonna turn around and stab you in the back like you were nothing but shit.

What is your opinion on the belief that this site should not be used by those, who are older than 20, and why ? I have seen lots of people, whose age is above 20, and they tend to get messages where it has been said that they are too old for this site.

Black Media
Well , this site actually shouldn't be created at all whether it is targeted towards adults or teens or kids it's a really bad thing for anyone to use all you get is hate and see bad stuff it's worse then Facebook to be honest.
Liked by: Leynuh Mikayla

What is your opinion on medical experiments that involve humans as the subjects that something is being tested on ? What kind of experiments can be considered a human torture and why ?

Black Media
Well the humans could say no to being experimented on its there right so uhm. If they do agree to it then they should at least know what will be happening to them so in that case they will already know if it will be painful torture or not ,

Do you contradict yourself often ? If yes, then what makes you think so ? In your opinion, why are most people like huge walking-talking contradictions ? Why do they contradict themselves ?

Black Media
I have no idea what this means but I'm gonna say it means put yourself down and if it does then yes I do , and other people do it because they feel bad about themself or something like that


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