

Ask @Magnusthecreator

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I love you.You are perfect in every single way, shape,and form.Dont let anyone tell you otherwise.Dont kill yourself for one girl.You can get through this, i have faith in you and i hope you are okay.If you say no one would care if you died thats a big lie.I care.Ben cares.Everyone would.Stay strong


Magnus please don't cut! please just like you told me its serious and I kno this is really fustrating for you but please stay strong! you have been through so much and I get it , it's hard! but please don't do anything you will forget! suicide is a permanent solution and alot of ppl need you here!<3


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So I read some of your past answers and I know this is probably the millionth time you've heard this but, suicide isn't the answer. I'm glad you didn't bargain with Satan otherwise the world would have lost an amazing person. Stay strong and know that a ton of people have your back. :)

Ah thank you :)

I have a secret talent /.\ that I never knew about o; I can sing my little heart out cx lol but no one knows I can and im afraid to show people I can cause this generation is fucked up and people like to judge ! But I might make a video on YouTube or on here not sure yet >,< Should I make one ? c:

Make one :)

Magus, suicide isn't the answer.Trust me, you will get through this.You will prevail.Think about your family, your girlfriend, and all your fans.If you go, you are also hurting the lives of the people you saved,and now they are trying to save you.Just think about it Magnus, you're stronger than this

Liked by: Maisie Mackenzie B

Magnus, i dont know y but please dont kill yourself.Youre better than that. be strong, & dont harm yourself okay.youre perfect & u dont need to end everything now. youre worth something. please dont. Just remember that there is obvs someone who would love to live the life of MAGNUS the one & only(:♥


Don't listen to all those dumbfucks. They shouldn't be in your buisness. And they shouldn't being saying shit like that. It's not their life it's yours. Live it how ever the fuck you want to live it! Don't let them hater bring you down! You're really nice and sweet, don't let them change that:)



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