

Ask @Magnusthecreator

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no, i didn't yell at it. i opened it then closed it and walked to my mom and told her "mom im mad" she asked me why and i said "cuz the fridge didnt make ice babies" she is now threatning to take me to a mental hospital oh dear lord xD ..__..

Alexis Cruz❤️
D": one time I put a bowl of water in the freezer for a year and I took it out and it was so frozen that it took it a year to unfreeze

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well make ya some tacos :0 and im crying because i was laughing soo hard i also was laughing at salt cuz i made butt cheeks out of it and i also said im mad at the fridge for not making ice babies and akxnwk only me XD .-.

Alexis Cruz❤️
Omg you need mental help :') yelling at unliving objects :'D

i know :0 omf i just i just fucking died i was laughing so hard on the floor and my uncle dragged me across the floor XD and like im crying rn cuz im laughing too harddd XD

Alexis Cruz❤️
O.0 on Sam and cat they had tacos and now I'm sitting here depressed cause once again all I have is candy ;( poooooop


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