

Ask @Magnusthecreator

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I know I have to wait /.\ I just need a friend to talk to c: all my friends left me because of my ex boyfriend but he didn't do anything to them . He was a good guy he wasn't bad he had no problems with anyone but my friends they hated him for no reason so they decided to stop talking to me it's sad

Well I'm sorry... You might get mad when I say this. But even if you have no friends in real life. There's always people on the Internet *me for example* that will help you try to find yourself and give you advice , I don't really know how old you are but my guess is somewhere from 13-16 but anyway for now don't worry about all this because eventually your life will be going the way you want it too . :)

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What's the rudest thing you have to say about gay people?

Well I'm not gay but I'm bi so uhm
No hate: but uhm most gay people are really weird or mean .. Well that's just most of the ones I know are mean xD or weird :) ...

so ur argentine? do u like europe

Yes I am, and I mean Europe is really pretty , but the people that live here could be a little more decent I don't like just about everybody that goes to my school, or anyone that lives near me, cause people here in Denmark are really awkward and self centered there's only a few nice people , so yeah :)
Liked by: Jaeda Andrell

What type of music do you listen to?

All kinds :) because I feel like every person that makes music deserves a shot of people listening to them , no matter how bad or good it may sound. It's there music and they put how they feel into it so yeah
Liked by: Jaeda Andrell

I cut. I started too about march this year :/ I got too overwhelmed cuz my sister hates on me and my mom vents to me, calling me a bitch... Hurting me.. Ignoring me and calling me a stupid slut. No one understood. At the same time, I found someone. A crutch. He kept me alive. But he hurt me too. :(

Ok so I think I told someone else this before. But so.. Every time you feel the need to cut get out a piece of paper or maybe 2 or 4 pieces or however many you want and just do whatever you want with it , take scissors and cut it all up and just crush it with your hands , or the last thing you can draw how you feel on it. Draw something that shows what your family members do to hurt you after your done drawing it rip it all up , it really will help with taking all the anger out because I do this sometimes to keep myself from being tempted to ever cut again I hope this helped ..
Liked by: Jaeda Andrell

I know I already left him /.\ I just need someone there for me but no one is here for me v,v I just want that feeling of being happy again with someone who will treat me like I'm their world ! And do everything for me and not be afraid of having a girl friend that has cuts on her arms and not afraid

I told you your gonna have to wait :/ I know it's horrible to wait for the perfect person but he is obviously not the perfect boy for you because of what he does

I understand everything but it's like someone just came and ripped my heart out I gave everything to him I bought him things I gave up my time just to be with him ! And he turns around and cheats on me and I just couldn't take it anymore I started crying myself to sleep and cut /.\ I know I shouldn'

If he treats you like that then you don't need him. Show him your better then that . :**

What does your accent sound like?

Some people say I sound like a baby but others say I sound like a girl . Idk my voice is like really weird because considering I'm Spanish and Chinese but I live in Denmark. My vocal cords are extremely fu**ked up I have like a mixture of a Spanish accent and a Danish accent ugh

You and your girlfriend are the cutest couple ever!(: i hope yall last forever and the anon pretending to be rocki just stop because we all know your lieing!!!xD

Brittany Castillo
Thanks and I know right xD people nowadays xD :)

I have a boyfriend and we've been dating for almost a year and he cheated on me and I cried for weeks and I'm starting to cut /.\ and I hide the cuts from everyone v,v I'm afraid to show them because there going to say mean things ): I honestly don't know what to do anymore /: I cry everyday and cut

Don't cut over a stupid boy. I understand what it's like to love a boy very much....... But then he does something to change it :/ I cut over a boy and it was stupid. It was because he cheated on me and called me ugly so I cut the word "ugly" into my leg , plus you will find someone else, Someone who loves you much more then him , you just have to be patient , please don't cut :/ :) it's ok to cry , cry your eyes out. Because that's what I did , eventually you won't cry anymore just donttttt cut please

all the hate you get is complete crap. we are who we are and we cant change that. keep goin strong kid;)

\^0^/ thank u :)


Language: English