

Ask @Magnusthecreator

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Aw :( I only like it when u say I make ur day not other people ..I can't share you tho .. You're like a drug to addicting to let go of :( -❤❤❤

Well it's nice when other people make my day too because I feel really great :D
Liked by: Walka Flocka Flame

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you're my inspiration promise me no more hurting yourself because someone loves you I do. Think of how hurt people would be. If something bad happens it will be just awful. I'm here for you if you need someone to talk to I will always be listening. I might not be your bestfriend but you're my bestie

Yay \^0^/ I love theese types of messages they keep me going thank u love u :3 <3
Liked by: Walka Flocka Flame

Tbh: you're my freakin inperation too. I just never wanted to tell you coz it would be embarrassing!!!!

I don't see why it's embarrassing lol you should told me because it keeps me going :') <3 and thanks

Do you speak the Denmark language ? Or have an accent ? Why r u living in Denmark ? What's in Denmark ? OMG I'm sorry , I'm just talking up a storm asking so much questions .

I can't really speak Danish but I speak Spanish I have like a mixture of Danish and Spanish accent lol I'm living in Denmark for... Uhm stuff lol and lol xD

You really made my night. Its almost 12:00 here and i honestly have tears of joy. You really are my inspiration, you're so strong. Even though im a girl, i hope to be like you some day, so strong. I love you so much its unexplainable. You don't even know...<33

You made my morning by saying this it's 6:00 in the morning here :') I'm glad to be people's inspiration I love you too <3 :')
Liked by: Walka Flocka Flame

c: your so sweet. Like I would be scrolling down my newsfeed and see an answer of yours. Ill read it and bout end up in tears, or i would be smiling like an idiot over how cute or touching it was. Can't find guys like you anymore /: you should be a guest speaker at my school. Most the guys r douches

Aw this is nice thank you ^_^ <3 !!!!
Liked by: Walka Flocka Flame


He's my cousin now please go away k thanks I'm a human too just remember that.

How old are you ? Do you have Instagram ? Your actually really cute !

I'm almost 15 and my Instagram is magnuskristensen10 and thank you ^_^ !!
Liked by: S.nyga

Omg. Please never commit suicide. I honestly don't know what i would do. You're my inspiration and i can't believe you attempted so many times. Im literally in tears because i found out. I love you and i don't know what the point would be of me living too. Please. :'(

When u said I'm your inspiration.... I jumped up and down , I'm not going to ever cut again tho I've said it before and I haven't attempted recently and I'm not going to ever and if you do......... I will do something please don't hurt yourself

You're cousins are usually the first friends u have as a child!no one will ever understand you're crazy family like you're cousins!even if u haven't talked to them lately.!! - by someone idk lol ;) *wink* *wink*

Hahahahahah this made me think of Benjamin :3 ^_^ <3
Liked by: S.nyga

I told her and you should see the smile on her face :) Thank you so much for making her smile :) <3

Aw I feel good tell her she made my day :3 <3

I get bullied everyday because im different and cut. People send me hate on my ask and i have attempted suicide before. People tell me they wouldn't know how to live without me and some say i should hang myself. Im actually thinking about doing it. I can't handle it anymore.

Ok if this helps.....people send me hate on ask. I just ignore it because first of all ask is nothin but a stupid website in my opinion.. You can just ignore them :) !! <3 and it's true the people that are saying they can't live without you it's realllllly true they would be so hurt and broken and maybe some would even attempt themselves , ok and so I have attempted 27 times I've tried hanging myself and plenty other things I've cut and all that , and I understand its really hard to stop but you just be strong honey <3 because I've ignored the haters and I have not cut anymore and I think of everything in a happy way. Ok well I really hope this helps I love you stay strong :) <3
Liked by: S.nyga

Your eyes, your smile, your personality, your sweet. Your everything <33 is too perfect and Im inlove with you <33 :) :* I love you so much

Thank you so much love u <3 :) !!


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