
Majed Jarrar

You mentioned a Hadith @OMA today that says not to ask about things which, if revealed to you, would be hard for you (smthg along those lines). Could you explain that pls? For ex., I asked about discharge and learnt that I have to renew my wudu everytime (hard for me to do). Should I not hve asked?

The verse in the Quran 5:101 is about prohibiting the believers from asking the Prophet about rulings of things which Allah didn't reveal a ruling about them.
It isn't about seeking knowledge from the scholars. On the contrary, God required us to ask the scholars when we don't know. The Prophet said: seeking knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim. A person who does something wrong because they have failed to seek knowledge when they could/should have, is guilty for remaining in ignorance, and isn't excused because of their lack of knowledge.
I hope this explains.

The sheikh that spoke after you said that menstruating women can't visit the sick/dead (I can't remember). I've never heard that before. Is that true?

Our dear Sheikh professor Ali Alhalawani was referring to what many scholars of the salaf, including Imam AlShafi'i and Malik, said that anyone in major impurity, including menstruating women, should avoid entering the room where someone is on their deathbed/dying; out of respect for the present angels.
Liked by: GG Reem

Language: English