What the fuck though I can kind of maybe think of two people who this could be and if I'm correct they either one shouldn't be saying anything about being a lard ass (which is absolutely false in your case Marissa) and can't talk shit about people who are unwanted and stupid... Stay strong beautifu
Marissa, don't listen to any of those things they are saying. You're literally perfect. They don't have the right to say anything about you or your family. The only reason they're being so rude is because their life is really messed up. You're not fat and you're a perfect singer. Stay strong :)
I fucking hate people, I'll always be here baby never forget it. and If they're reading it go ahead do something to me, just leave marissa alone because she deserves everything and obviously since you're nothing you have no business being on her wall.
whoever the fuck is giving you all this shit can start posting on my wall, and I dare them too. LEAVE MARISSA ALONE YOU LOW LIFE. lol people are so pathetic and rude. I love you baby all they're saying is lies obviously. you have people that love you, you know that. one of them is me
Whoever is saying things about Marissa grow up like really who are you to judge shut up I hate bully's . Like you. Marissa is perfect and strong and you will not bring her down so just stop. And she is an amazing singer!
You are absolutly beautiful. Inside and out. You sing so amazing I'm jealous! But seriously you look so perfect everyday & you have a golden heart(: never listen to what others tell you if they're negative things, they ain't got nothing on you! <3