

Ask @Millierawrz

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Yeah, along with the children having to see their parents eaten alive. She says just because its drawn, it will never happen

Fun fact: episodes of The Simpsons have predicted the future so

My mum wont let me though, she doesn't like animated stuff because its "Too unrealistic"

Well excuuuuuuuuuse me but Attack On Titan talks about the horror and brutality of war and how kids suffer during it which is pretty damn realistic if you ask me

Well that is good :3 Tomorrow I have life is strange to watch, then the next day is my birthday, then friday I have PE! and then its half term, the time for everyone to forget about me

Awh Happy Birthday for then ^_^
I hope you have a good day

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Oh well! At least I can have like another....four or five attack on titan marathons xD

Literally me every weekend tbh

If you could be any anime character which character would you choose

Marco so I could make out with Jean tbh
Or Hanji because she's basically me anyway
Or Itachi Uchiha bc bae
Liked by: ➶ Asralyn ➷

My day has been....urg. Had to deal with my german teacher, and my history teacher, and computing teacher (I don't like many of my teachers)

Awh sweetie, it's ok
It's not long till half term ok :3

What is the most important thing you need to do today?

I'm getting my room decorated today and one of the paints I bought is called "Ciel" and it's the same colour as Ciel Phantomhive's hair and my friend gave me a really weird look when I was buying it
Liked by: ➶ Asralyn ➷

Just woke up, and sorry for using that slur. I was just getting angry thinking about, I apologise

It's fine aha :)
How's your day going so far?

If you had $5 left in your pocket what would you spend it on?

It's almost 4am and i'm awake reading Juuzou fanfics, send help
Liked by: Ash Oates

What's the best thing that happened to you today?

So because my bedroom is out of order because of flooding I have to stay in my brother's room and basically the door to the attic is in his room and it freaks me out anyway and there's a huge crack in the ceiling from more flooding and it's directly over the bed and it's really creepy and it's making me anxious and idk what to do


By the end of Persona 4 I wanted to strangle that child i'm not even joking

He'll say that's racist, as he's polish

But it's cool for him to be racist -.-
White people who pull the racism card really grind my gears

Oh this one joins in because he's "cool", I like him and all, but he isn't strict enough, I've only wanted to smash someone's...fudging head against the desk until they stop speaking.

Yeah, people who disrupt other people trying to learn really irritate me

I started watching Naruto because of you and i'm sorry but I really hate Gaara

Well excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me but Gaara is my little sand dumpling

Oh I like it and that, its just the people I have in my lessons.

I had a really young teacher for Biology and people just used to take advantage of her inexperience and mess around so I know the feel


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