

Ask @Millierawrz

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I have to deal with Triple science and computing >.< the rest I dont care about

I am the prince of triple science so if you ever need help with something just ask

Hah- wait....FUUUUUU I HAVE MOCK EXAMS SOON >.< I just want to be in college already

Aw mock exams are nothing to worry about ok :)
I'm switching courses in September so once i'm done with this coursework I never have to write about music business ever ever again

I thought it was great

I can never get Jean's character right
I've perfected how I think Levi would act in a relationship and people always react really well to my Levi fics but Jean always comes out really out of character and it annoys me idk
I want to write a JeanMarco fic at some point so I might practice some more

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well Im gonna need to sleep soon xD Though I wish I could hibernate for like three years

I wish I could too aha
I have a coursework deadline on Friday and I have so much to do and uggggggggggggggh

Thank you erm....I guess I should call you Eren xD So thank you Eren :3

You're very welcome :)
I hope you have a nice day


It was really bad and I wrote it in the middle of doing coursework but thank you hahaha
Dorky Jean is what I live for tbh

I'd come off, if you don't answer the question when I do xD

Honestly if you don't feel comfortable coming off i'm fine with that ^_^

That made me smile:) I don't feel like one atm ,I feel drained tbh.but thank you .

Things will get better ok I promise (✿◠‿◠)

I might watch black butler soon xD And Im a lover! not a fighter!

10/10 recommend Black Butler
It'll cheer you up ok :3

where I live, its either, old people, or chavs. So I get picked on for being polite

You should just transform yourself into Sebastian from Black Butler
If you don't know who he is he's super polite but he kicks ass :3

Oh okay thank you *does a little bow* I feel like Im really polite....

Politeness is pretty good
I live in a really upper class are so i'm used to it aha

Is it awkard that I've never actually hugged someone before....

Not really
One of my best friends has only let me hug him recently and we've been friends since we were 6

No:(im american .i just wish my parents understood..I can't be happy living as a girl .

You're a warrior ok
I'm so sorry about your parents but if you ever need to vent just message me on here, skype or tumblr and i'll get back as soon as possible (I don't sleep too much so chances are i'll reply pretty fast)

Btw if I am allowed to say, you are a wonderful person. You like assassn's creed (Or I presume so) and you like Attack on titan, and you are willing to use your time to help me, so....thank you

I love Assassin's Creed haha
Thank you lovely, I hope your day gets a bit better and i'd give you a hug if I could :)

Yeah I'm in the uk, but still the teachers will say they did so mething, but the student obviously didnt listen to them

I really don't know what else to suggest other than keep trying.
That really sucks and i'm so sorry that your school is handling the situation so badly

I'm transgender.my parents think that it's weird and I need to learn to like being a girl.and someone saw my scars earlier and said that i needed to be locked up..idk what to do .im so tired and sad all the time.i just wanna stop feeling like something is wrong with me .

There's nothing wrong with you friend :)
Ignore whoever said that about your scars, they're toxic and you don't need them in your life.
Been sad and tired all the time is a symptom of depression so try and get to a doctor's or speak to someone you trust. Are you in the UK because I know some pretty cool services that can help you?
Liked by: Soy Sauce

Youre literally a beautiful person. Most people out here just keep talking shit and make fun of the questions they get and you know make fun of people seeking out for real advice. But you. you are an an amazing human being. Always be you

I just used to go through a lot of horrid stuff so I try and help out, little bit of help makes the world a little brighter ya know :)
Liked by: Soy Sauce

I have no evidence. I'm just a stupid (soon to be 15....) year old Boy, who would believe me. They'd just say I'm crazy, or I'm worried about nothing. I probably am. I just feel like I am in danger, but Im probably over reacting....

Are you in England?
By law teachers have to deal with the safety of students, if they ignored you and you did actually get hurt they would be in deep trouble.
Liked by: Soy Sauce

just want some advice. Ive been getting really low grades and well my principal called me in and told me they were going to kick me out of school If my finals dont go alright. But i cant really study bcs both of my parents are so very sick and i have to take care of my siblings. what should I do? :

Have you fully explained to your principal what the situation is?
Do you have a friend you could get to take care of your siblings while you study for an hour or so?
Or can they stay with relatives for a few days while you get some studying done?
I'm not really sure what to say because i've never had to deal with this myself
Liked by: Soy Sauce

Im afraid. Im Paranoid, I don't feel safe, no matter what I do. This may sound really stupid, as soon as I say it, but I don't even feel like I'll live to be 16, in case someone kills me at school. Im too paranoid, and stupid

No no no, please don't think like that.
If you feel this way you genuinely have to speak to someone. Beg your mum, do everything in your power to make her see how you feel. You can't have that mindset, it's not healthy whatsoever. You need someone to do something and if that involves begging your mum or going to the police then that's what it'll take
Liked by: Soy Sauce

How do you celebrate when something great happens?

ok so i watched this horror movie and there's a hole in my bedroom floor because there's been a pipe leak and i keep freaking the fuck out thinking something is going to poke out for under the floorboards jfc
someone bring me some salt
Liked by: Soy Sauce


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