

Ask @Millierawrz

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What do you like watching the most on television?

My mood went from anxious/on the border of a panic attack to happy/feeling lovey
ok then

If you could go on a roadtrip with any person, who would you choose and where would you go?

Imagine how goofy a road trip with the 104th cadets would be
Reiner would try to sleep with everyone
Sasha would eat all the supplies
Jean and Eren would get arrested for fighting
oh my gosh

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You use behindthename too? I thought I was the only one on here to know about that site! ?

I use it for original character names tbh

Your name sounds very pretty, but screams too much "I'm a girl!"

How is Eren a girly name exactly?

If you had to give someone lessons, what skill would you teach?

My brother was bragging about his muscles and he said "I look like a Greek god" and I said "Which one? Dionysus" and nobody understood and now i'm sad that i'm the only one in my family that knows anything about Greek mythology

Exes are crazy.

Please don't use ableist slurs.
We only went out for about 2 weeks and like the entire time we were together he started telling me he'd kill himself if we split up and as someone with severe anxiety I couldn't deal with it, like I genuinely don't know what i've done wrong and this was way back at the start of 2014 so i'm really bothered why he's bringing all this up now
Liked by: ‡Lt. MØRTƇ

If you had one wish, what would you wish for?

i never rant about anything like this so sorry but my ex boyfriend from awhileeeee ago has a grudge against me ??? for doing nothing ??? He talks shit about me all the time and has been slowly turning my friend (that i've known since year 7) against me and making her feel like she has pick sides AND says I “broke his heart” (I gave him a polite as fuck text to breakup because i couldn't tell him at the time and he was trying to emotionally blackmail me to stay with him anyway) but got a girlfriend like not even a month later and seems perfectly happy with the girl and he says i did horrible things i literally did NOTHING i have horrible anxiety and wouldn't do shit to upset him (even when he was borderline verbally abusive to me) i've been minding my own business but he never shuts up about me to other people apparently i try to ignore it but it pisses me off he could ruin any future friendships by blatantly lying and has NO PROOF (because there isn't any) I did shit to him he should just stop he’s holding a grudge against me just because he can not because i did something

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I personally think Mikasa and Eren are perfect for each other because look at what they did to the kidnappers they killed them without a second thought its like Eren did something to Mikasa because something in her snapped that day when Eren said the only way to survive is to fight

In the world they live in that's true though. If Mikasa hadn't have fought back she'd be dead or a slave. They love each other definitely but I think Eren doesn't want to show her how he feels because he could die any day and Mikasa is actually pretty shy and I think she'd find it hard to actually tell Eren she loved him that way. I ship Eremika really hard tho
Liked by: ‡Lt. MØRTƇ

No, I have enough time to keep it on for a few hours before sleeping and getting back to work. When you irritate me I'll stop wherever I am and retaliate against you.

Like I said you're the one messaging me and getting annoyed with my responses
You could just stop messaging me if i'm such an irritant

"I will hack you" Yeah try it. Like I have no experience hacking. No idea why I still didn't DDoS your account to stop your bullshit.

"No idea why I still didn't DDoS your account to stop your bullshit."
You literally just keep messaging me, have you suffered severe head trauma recently??


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