

Ask @Millierawrz

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do u have social anxiety?

I was diagnosed with GAD when I was in an in-patient unit but my GP diagnosed me with social anxiety a year later so yeah.
Liked by: princess fabsy

should i start watching attack on titan? :p

As long as you're comfortable with gore and things like that :3

Why do people think that mental illnesses make us dangerous? Or that we will attack people because of them?

It's an excuse to demonize us even more.
People who suffer from mental illnesses are more likely to be the victim of an attack as opposed to the perpetrator.
Also I can't find anything about Emma Roberts suffering from depression so i'm sure that anon just made it up expecting me to agree with them.

lol and u dont like her because of that? she was in a depression and i know all this cuz im a huge fan of her

I suffer from depression buddy and it isn't an excuse to fucking attack someone.

What do you think of dressing up pets?

As long as they're not distressed and you're not causing any damage by what you're doing I think it's ok.
Some dogs really love the attention of getting dressed up.
One of my friends has a little hoodie for her pug and he loves it.
My cat Simba used to like it when I put my beanie on him too.

Is this new?

It's from like last year but tbh that doesn't even matter, you might want to do your research before blinding praising someone who is problematic as hell

her character madison montgomery is abusive! Lol you're just jealous, and you dont like people for no reason

Emma Roberts fucking attacked Evan Peters and the police were called IN REAL LIFE
I don't like her because she's disgusting and she attacked someone for no reason, go away.
Liked by: alex invalid


I mean I kinda like Murder House but the fans who completely romanticize Tate are gross and it's offputting.
Don't get me wrong Evan Peters is adorable therefore Tate is physically adorable but his character is gross.
Asylum was ableist as hell and the plot was kinda dull
Coven has Emma Roberts who is abusive and cheered on the filming of a r*pe scene
I pretty much zoned out of Freakshow bc Emma Roberts again
Liked by: Blue

Why didn't you like Breaking Bad when you first watched it?

Things that are really really popular tend to give me high expectations and they're usually dashed because I have such an unrealistic expectation on what's actually going to happen and I was just massively underwhelmed.
It's why I can't bare to watch American Horror Story now loads more people watch it, it's a show that's cheesy and pretty crappy anyway but that's what made it kinda good and now people just heap praise on it for no apparent reason and it just makes it difficult to watch because i'm so underwhelmed by it now.

u should do a youtube video w q&a from ask.fm

Except, my webcam quality is shocking and my anxiety kicks in on camera a lot of the time so I end up saying things wrong and just babble on and it's a pain.

Would you marry a robot?

Remember that episode of Futurama where Fry downloads a girlfriend onto a blank robot template and you can go out with a famous person but they're actually a robot
Make that possible pls
Liked by: ✨Tab✨ Ash Oates

video and say what you think about marylin manson and ozzy osbourne

I literally have no idea what i'd say
I like them both
I was pretty much made to listen to Black Sabbath from the minute I was born
What else do you want me to say exactly?


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