

Ask @Millierawrz

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3. Amy Pond: What about your family would other people see a being weird?

I know a lot of my school friends thought it was weird that I look nothing like the rest of my family. All my family are quite tanned but with light hair and i'm pale with dark hair.
A few people also think it's weird how my mum acts because she's in her 40's and she still tries to act like an 18 year old.
Liked by: Yuffie

2. Another Doctor: Do you ever feel that you have changed into a different person? What happened?

I'm a very different person to whom I was before I was in an inpatient unit, I think been in a hospital gave me some perspective on certain things and I changed to make myself a calmer person
Liked by: Yuffie

1. The Doctor: Have you ever saved anyone or helped someone in trouble?

Me and a few other girls got this really creepy guy away from this girl at a convention last year >.<
Liked by: alex Yuffie

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What's your currently favorite show on TV?

Breaking Bad
It's actually quite enjoyable now everyone has shut up about it
When all the hype about it was still around I watched 4 episodes and was seriously underwhelmed and didn't care for it but since it's been on freeview i'm enjoying it a little more.

if you could cancel one tv show what would it be

The Big Bang Theory
Even though I love Amy the show is total trash

Don't you think you'll regret having an Attack On Titan tattoo when you're older?

Why would I regret something that has made me very very happy for almost 2 years of my life
It's been a big part of my life since I was 16 and even if I don't care for it much when i'm older it'll still mean a lot to me

insert a rant here

tw r*pe, violence, torture
Because i'm replaying Outlast I need to say this
People actually try to defend Eddie Gluskin from Outlast: Whistleblower???? He’s a brutal murderer in general, mutilates/tortures many of his victims until they are dead, is a misogynist, hangs his victims from the ceiling, and is a possible rapist??? And you wanna defend and love him??? ?Just what??

do you think you'll ever get an attack on titan tattoo? if so, do you know what you want?

I've had my heart set on getting this on my thigh but I want to tone my thighs up a little first and I also have some scars that I want to fade a bit more before I have it done.
I'd probably get the Wings of Freedom done somewhere and I really really want some of the lyrics to The Reluctant Heroes someone because it's a song that means a lot to me
Liked by: Matt

"im going to take this potato and eat it during drill, what could possibly go wrong"

This is one of the things I love about Sasha because she's from a hunting village she knows the importance of getting enough food and she's not going to just let food go to waste
but it was also necessary comic relief considering there's just two episodes of people dying before that
Liked by: Matt

it is from the attack on titan opening

I actually only know the lyrics by sound so I wasn't sure
the openings for the show are my one of my favourite things ever tho
Liked by: Matt Spud

Vögel haben auf die Erde gefallen und sehnen sich nach dem Wind

I've been staring at this trying to figure out if it's from one of the Attack On Titan openings because it looks familiar
Liked by: Matt

I'm pretty good.Better than I've been in a while. How about you?

I'm just very sleepy
I only have about 6 weeks of college left and I have so much work left to do :c
Liked by: Matt Yuffie

Omg My First Story is amazing :3

I want them to tour so much over in England but they probably won't and it makes me sad :c
Whenever Japanese bands come to the UK they almost always only go to London and it's so expensive to travel there for me. I was so upset when BABYMETAL came here last year and only did a show in London which is why i'm so happy that they're playing Leeds Fest because it only takes 15-20 minutes to get there from my house :3
Liked by: Matt

im not sure. i like all of them but as i watch more im sure will have a favorite.

Yeah, I don't actually dislike any of them :3
Liked by: Matt

that is true. who wouldnt be intimidated by tall cannibals and want to avoid them at all costs.

Who's your favourite character so far?

its funny that some of them joined to become military police and avoid action.

But to be honest it's totally understandable
The Survey Corps only have a survival rate of 30% and you have to remember most of the cadets are 12/13 at that point

http://www.salon.com/2015/04/23/native_americans_walk_off_adam_sandler_movie_set_in_protest_of_insensitivity_sexism/ thoughts?

I've already talked about Netflix been total trash but this takes the cake
What sort of explanation is "ridiculous is in the title because that's what it's meant to be"
Oh yes because comedy is always a good excuse for blatant racism and sexism hahahahhaha
I'm so mad jfc
Also why is Adam Sandler even still getting work? He's seriously one of the most talentless "actors" i've ever seen in my entire life.

because of you i decided to watch attack on titan. 3 episodes in and i like it

Episode 3 is one of my favourites actually haha
I love how funny the introduction is for all of the cadets especially Connie and Sasha
Yay i'm glad you like it
Liked by: Matt

What kind of watch do you wear?

I have a Hello Kitty one actually but I don't wear it anymore because I don't like things been wrapped tightly around my wrists due to certain things.
Liked by: Matt

because of you i'm in love with asian boys :')

There's a mass gif set of Tumblr of loads of guys who'd be great in Disney's live action Mulan movie and I sat there like screaming at it because they were all so gorgeous
Liked by: Matt

Which asian girl is the most beautiful to you?

I completely idolise Haruka Kurebayashi because her style is amazing and her makeup tutorials are brilliant and she's such a sweetie tbh
but also when I was at primary school I was friends with a girl from India and her mum and sisters used to pick her up from school and they were all absolutely stunning and they had the most beautiful clothes and I used to be really jealous of them aha


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