

Ask @Millierawrz

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How long have you been learning Korean for and how proficient are you?

Coming up to three years and I'm like fairly decent I guess. There's a few things I struggle with but I can hold conversations with people pretty well
Liked by: Alice Jackson Bethan

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How often do you go out clubbing/drinking?

Not often at all.
I usually go out for Halloween and friend's birthdays but that's about it.
I have found these kpop nights in the city my boyfriend is from though and they're absolutely amazing so I'll probably start going to them more but I didn't really drink that much at the one I went too, was too fun dancing lmao
Liked by: Alice Jackson Bethan

Democratic question:Are you happy to continue with the multiracial experiment? We've had almost 70 years of it, or do you think it's time to begin repatriation of non indigenous British people? I personally feel the multiracial experiment has utterly failed, but that's just me.

I've just woken up from a nap and I really want some doritos but I'm really comfy yfm
Liked by: Alice Jackson Bethan

Ignoring the casting issues do you think the Netflix Death Note movie is going to be any good?

Ok so Light got away with being a serial killer because he looked like a normal student. They've literally made him into some shady ass loner kid who would really be L's first suspect once he narrowed it down to someone related to the police. I really can't ignore the casting issues even if I wanted to because yeah it's an Americanized version but by refusing to let Asian actors audition for the roles of Asian characters they're sending a message that only white people can be American. Also before someone brings up "the lack of diversity" in Japanese films Japanese people account for 98.5% of the population and really how many white actors can speak fluent Japanese, it's completely irrelevant in this situation anyway. Apples and oranges my dudes
Liked by: Alice Jackson Bethan

Whites (the strongest and most handsome/pretty) race of people will become extinct in Britain, in 2002 non Whites made up for 6% of the population, now its 2017 they make up for just over 25% of the population, can you see why I'm concerned for my people?

"Whites (the strongest and most handsome/pretty) race of people"
Liked by: Alice Jackson Bethan

So what has happened mother England? To the country that I love, The places are full of evil, The streets are full of blood, What is in the future? What now do we face? Destruction of our country Extinction of our race

Mate we live in England not North Korea, shut the fuck up you whiny privileged shit.
Liked by: Alice Jackson Bethan

your pet peeves?

bossiness, indecisiveness, arrogance, narrow-mindedness, self-entitlement, being overly judgmental, and people who think being pessimistic is a form of intelligence and insight. oh and people who bring up their IQ level during arguments or when offering an opinion.
Liked by: Alice Jackson Bethan

"they will start massacring the remaining white British and make this country there own" Do people genuinely believe this?

If you're delusional and racist you do apparently.
If there's a killing spree I really hope that they start with me, they'll be doing me a favour lmao
Liked by: Alice Jackson Bethan

I have a feeling that once the non white population exceeds the white population which will likely happen by 2040 as non whites don't tend to use contraception, they will start massacring the remaining white British and make this country there own.

In my dream there was a race war going on, the streets were filled with dead bodies of whites and the ethnic minorities made up for 90% of the population, there was a small white militia group and we had to use tunnels to get supplies and trade with other whites, will this be the future of Britain?

God I hope so.
Liked by: Alice Jackson Bethan


Language: English