

Ask @Millierawrz

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axl is actually not homophobic! i mean was like best friend with freddy mercury and elton john :p just sayin

I mean his lyrics say differently but whatever you say buddy.

what are you gonna talk about on your videos on yt ? ^^

I don't have any plans to do videos at the moment so I wouldn't know.
Liked by: p

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do you like guns n roses?

Axl Rose is a disgusting homophobic piece of shit and is one of the most pretentious people in the music industry so no.

oh that's too bad! I really like you and enjoy your ask.fm ! You would be an awesome youtuber tho

I mean I might consider restarting it when I get a proper camera but yeah, it's not really something I plan on continuing as of now

do you ever wanna be a youtuber?

I attempted it but stopped because
1. I have a shitty camera
2. I'm not happy with the way I look and there's no way i'm constantly doing videos
3. I am seriously dull
Liked by: Ash Oates

Why are people so horrible?

I just think some people are bitter and don't enjoy their own lives so they feel the need to try to bring other people down by being spiteful towards everything they do.

How would you like to celebrate your next birthday?

Hopefully i'll be in Japan and i'd love to go see the Naruto stage show if I can get tickets aha
~honesty night~

Did you ever use to be rude to your teachers?

I used to have a french teacher who I argued with a lot because she was extremely rude to this girl called Meg in my class for no reason whatsoever and it was bordering on bullying and she absolutely lost her shit with me because I constantly corrected her terrible french and she used to say I was undermining her authority because i'd help some of my classmates with stuff just because she was useless.
People been rude to teachers for absolutely no reason used to piss me off though, especially if someone got told off for talking or just messing around then started slagging the teacher off. I really appreciated what my teachers were trying to do when I was at school so I was really polite expect with that french teacher.
~honesty night~

why did you dressed up as Kaneki? LOL

I felt like it
I'm literally living in my Kaneki wig because I want his hair

Who is your biggest mentor?

My mum wanted me to meet all of her boyfriend’s family so I went downstairs dressed as Kaneki and I’m laughing so hard because they all like took a few steps back as one

Well... that sucks. He had to be a real shit head to do that. I find you super attractive and super awesome, and I don't think I would ever be able to ask something like that.

Hell, adding to what I said before: I would probably barely be able to ask if I could put an arm around you. Asking for a handie like that is.. fucked up"
Awh thank you :3 I honestly thought he was joking at first -.- Some guys are just horrid and try to take advantage of someone liking them, it's really gross.

have you ever had a guy use you for sex?

Not exactly
Just before I turned 17 I had a crush on this guy who was like 20 and we were having like a movie day and basically halfway through he turned to me and just said "jerk me off" and I was like so shocked and I said I liked him but I didn't want to do that and he asked so many times so I told him to leave and afterwards he sent me the most fucking ridiculous texts about how i'd worn revealing clothes to tease him (I was wearing a huge baggy band shirt and shorts because it was in the middle of summer), how i'd led him on and how I was a slut and he then sent me like 7 photos of his dick saying "look what you're missing out on" (it was pretty small and looked gross tbh) and I see him all the time on my way to work and he just glares at me and yeah he's an asshole.

your 'problems' are greatly exaggerated to gain sympathy from people and to dishonestly claim benefits

Firstly,feel free to look down my page, not once in the 3 years i've had this profile have I ever tried to gain sympathy for my problems, sure i'm open about them to an extent but I couldn't care less what people think.
Secondly, your comprehension skills are actually appalling considering i've stated multiple times why I claim benefits, that I don't gain them for my anxiety and I even gave you the information to report me for fraudulently claiming money if you care so much. You clearly couldn't care less whether I'm claiming benefits legitimately or not, it's an excuse to demonize someone with genuine problems because you're clearly so unhappy with your own life that you try to make other people miserable.
Thirdly, like I said before to actually claim disability benefits you have to be assessed by a doctor. If a doctor has deemed my problems serious enough to warrant financial help then that's that.

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Liked by: ➶ Asralyn ➷

does having 2000 people you don't know on your facebook make you feel special? The irony of people that have 2000 friends on facebook but who will cry about social anxiety when it comes to real life interactions

Does bringing up the number of friends I have on Facebook and somehow trying to link that to my problems make you feel special?
Liked by: ➶ Asralyn ➷

Opinion on @Mahitis refusing to tell her story? Isn't that rude or selfish?

Are you actually high?
You're the one being rude and selfish by badgering someone to talk about something they clearly don't want to talk about.
Get lost.
Liked by: ➶ Asralyn ➷

How much money do you really need?

I'm in class and I have no idea what i'm doing and my anxiety is kicking in so I can't put my hand up and ask and ugh
Liked by: Artemis

What are you sure of?

If they ever make a western live-action Attack On Titan and don't cast Mayim as Hanji I will smash something
I hate The Big Bang Theory so much but I fucking love her , like 10/10 just make a show about Amy instead
I have the hugest crush on her because of this like idec
Liked by: Bitch-chan

How fast do you fall asleep?

Usually I get into bed then end up reading a 50 part fanfiction till 6 in the morning then I just inject coffee directly into my brain.


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