

Ask @Millierawrz

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Why did you not like Frozen?

It's got to the point where Disney is just a brand and they produce the same old half assed movies about princess and how they fall in love. Frozen was basically Tangled with a winter theme shoved onto it. There's no thought put into anything, just look at Let It Go.
I just think any originality Disney had has gone because they know regardless of how shitty a film is if it has the Disney mark stamped on it they'll make a killing.
It shouldn't just be about the money, animation still needs quality. Look at how much effort Dreamworks put into How To Train Your Dragon.
Liked by: not kaiya

what is something that cheers you up when you are sad? :3

Well I just went to get James a pair of gloves out of my drawer because he lives 3 miles away and is walking home and as he went to put on the gloves a £20 note fell out of them so that's cheered me up


0: I actually have no idea tbh, i'm short I guess but over 5ft
1: Nope
2: 8
3: I used to but I literally would rather spend my money on chocolate milk
4: Yep
5: Used to I guess but I get pressured into it especially if the pills are glittery or something
6: I can buy alcohol but I still get asked for id when buying video games jfc
7: I have an alien on my wrist
8: I want some Legend Of Zelda stuff
9: Snakebites, Septum, Lobes
10: Dragonbites
11: my cat
12: married to 300 different anime characters
13: Been 2D
14: Not been 2D
15: Battle Royale, Lord Of The Rings and Spirited Away
16:I’ll love you if you buy me japanese candy
17: Most of the people I went to school with
18: Cutting an artery in my arm, living in a hospital
19: I'm a bitch lol
20: Can I just pay someone to suck the gross out of me pls?
21: My hair is on par most days
22: I have no idea tbh, dead maybe... or a crocodile
23: lol no
24: lol no ( my dad is ace tho)
25: Curry and Attack On Titan
26: People who look over my shoulder when i'm on the computer, can u not
27: Levi Ackerman ok
28: She looks like the old guy from Up.
29: I don't know, can't remember lying to any of my friends really
30: My college tutors are incapable of doing anything and I hate the idea of been a journalist with a passion now
31: I don't have a phone
32: I don't even know tbh
33: "You look like Grimes"
34: Grimes and Haruka Kurebayshi
35: Levi Ackerman, Itachi Uchiha
36: Japan
37: 90% sure people would try to bother me with this
38: Pirate
39: Peanut Butter or Maple Syrup
40: Haruka Kurebayashi
41: Hyrule or the chinese takeaway near my house
42: Beans on toast
43: Levi Ackerman
44: Did you know Devil May Cry was supposed to be a Resident Evil spin-off?
45. Have an old one

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honesty hour?

Wanna be nosy. . . here's your chance.
2:Shoe size
3:Do you smoke?
4:Do you drink?
5:Do you take drugs?
6:Age you get mistaken for
7:Have tattoos?
8:Want any tattoos?
9:Got any piercings?
10:Want any piercings?
11:Best friend?
12:Relationship status
13:Biggest turn ons
14:Biggest turn offs
15:Favorite movie
16:I’ll love you if
17:Someone you miss
18:Most traumatic experience
19:A fact about your personality
20:What I hate most about myself
21:What I love most about myself
22:What I want to be when I get older
23:My relationship with my sibling(s)
24:My relationship with my parent(s)
25:My idea of a perfect date
26:My biggest pet peeves
27:A description of the girl/boy I like
28:A description of the person I dislike the most
29:A reason I’ve lied to a friend
30:What I hate the most about work/school
31:What your last text message says
32:What words upset me the most
33:What words make me feel the best about myself
34:What I find attractive in women
35:What I find attractive in men
36:Where I would like to live
37:One of my insecurities
38:My childhood career choice
39:My favorite ice cream flavor
40:Who wish I could be
41:Where I want to be right now
42:The last thing I ate
43:Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately
44:A random fact about anything
45. Selfie

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your boyfriend sounds like a jerk

He apologized for upsetting me by going to the shopping centre before I woke up this morning and buying me eyeliner, a pot noodle and 3 months of Xbox Live so it's all good.
He's also ordering me some circle lenses tomorrow hehe

Don't worry about getting implant out its honestly fine and painless apart from the anaesthetic injection and I promise it will be ok!! ❤️❤️❤️

I'm a bit better with needles since I had it put in because I've had piercings and a tattoo since but it still makes me hella uncomfortable because I nearly collapsed in the middle of the clinic when I was about to have it put in -.-
thank you tho <3

Why do you feel shit?

tw needles and shit been stuck into bodies and medical shit
Basically I have the contraceptive implant so I don't have a child burst out of my stomach and ruin my life and I have to get it removed in June but I want it doing this week because thinking about getting it done is stressing me out and i'd rather get it over and done with. Anyway, James started reading out how they remove the thing from my arm and it was making me feel really ill and panicky and when I asked him to stop because I was on the verge of puking he said "he was having a laugh" then today when I asked him to come to the doctors when I ask about having it removed he was like "no I don't like needles" and it's just like fuck off if you're going to make me uncomfortable and then pull a fucking card to get out of sitting with me while I go through something like that and now he's in a mood because I refused to spend money my dad gave me for stuff I need for college on xbox live and shitty food we don't need

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