

Ask @Millierawrz

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What are your plans for tomorrow?

I have college which will probably kill me because I probably should be asleep right now but i'm watching Titanic

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(my fingers are tireddddd) Ok last question for tonight. What popular children's show when you were young scared you/ you didn't like?

I used to love the Teletubbies but there was this bear that used to scare the crap out of me.
I actually had nightmares, it just used to roll out from behind bushes.
There was a lion too that used to freak me out.
It actually makes me laugh that it used to scare me

Would you rather want a baby kitten, or a trained hawk?

I've always wanted a bird of prey as a pet but I love cats ugh
I already have 5 cats so I guess i'd have the hawk
This massive hawk landed in my garden once and it was so beautiful but kinda weird because i've never seen them in my area before

(Please don't apologize for your answers, guys. Also, trigger warning as you please) Who do you respect more, Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr or Malcolm X?

I have a massive amount of respect for them both but when I was writing an essay about them both for school I always thought Malcolm X was more hands on with the civil rights movement. I thought his speeches were pretty interesting too tbh

Would you rather hit your Mom for 900 dollars, or stab a cop for 42 million dollars? (if you are from ourside of the US, I dont know how to convert the money sorry sorry)

If I could stab any of the cops who have murdered innocent people then i'm down with that

If you could have any one talent, what would it be?

I wish I could draw
I'm really good at digital art but actually drawing is not the one for me
I get the urge to draw all the time too and if i'm not near my laptop I can't do anything T_T

Is there anyone who is biologically related to you that honestly do not like (annoys you, angers you, upsets you etc...)

I have a very bad relationship with my mum and older brother. Living with my mum makes me anxious and my brother constantly puts me down. They're both really hateful too especially towards people who aren't straight -.-
Liked by: supa hot fire

Do you collect anything? If not, what do you wish you could collect?

Steelbook Editions of video games
Anime Statues and plushies
Random gems and rocks

Do you think statistics are a logical and reliable way to prove a point or are there are too many flaws and biases to trust them?

I think the majority of the time they're accurate and can be used in an argument if you go out of your way to find a source that isn't biased but if you use a source that's credibility has been questioned multiple times I don't think there's any logic there whatsoever.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to try drugs for the first time?

Advice Page
It depends what drug. I wouldn't at all feel comfortable if someone was asking me advice about heroin or anything you have to inject. Anything else i'd make sure they were informed on how to take whatever they were doing safely and to make sure they haven't bought the wrong thing and the best ways to recover after a comedown.
I think telling someone who really wants to try a drug like MDMA or something similar which a lot of people do on nights out not to do it will only encourage them to do it and i'd rather tell someone how to stay safe. I also would feel like a hypocrite telling someone not to take something because i've done things like that.

QOTD: Do you believe that heavily tattooed people should be accepted into any work environment, or are tattoos not appropriate for certain places?

supa hot fire
I really don't think it should matter as long as they're appropriate and if they are inappropriate they can be hidden.
I think as long as you're good at what you do it shouldn't matter what you look like.

If you could be put in any game/anime permanently what game/anime, who would you want in there with you, and why? (QOTD)

Your Senpai
Attack On Titan and i'd just spoon with Levi because I would be terrified
I would probably die but i'd have an attractive midget who makes poop jokes a lot with me

If you were to invent a spell that only you could use, what would that spell do? Fireball, Summon your very own butler penguin, Shoot an ice beam etc. (QOTD)

Your Senpai
Summon Levi with his shirt undone and his hair slightly messy nnnngh
Liked by: Daisu

your eyes in your dp o.o

I am now the main character of an anime
I just wish my actual hair was longer because I would of looked so much better with long curly blue hair
Liked by: invalid

who is your favourite support character in the Zelda series? Who is your least favourite?

I adore Midna because she is a sass queen and I really loved the relationship between her and Link.
I also loved Linebeck because he was such a shady douchebag yet he still cared about Link.
I've never liked Tetra despite Wind Waker been one of my favourite Zelda games. I also thought Ilia was an unnecessary character because she was supposed to be Link's love interest and it just felt awkward because Link clearly did not want none of that booty.


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