

Ask @Millierawrz

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What's the most dangerous thing you have ever done?

tw drug, suicide mention idk i'm sorry if that's not right i'm half asleep
Probably the various types of drugs i've done or like the legit suicide attempts lmao
I don't know why I find this funny but oh well

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how would you describe your personal style? what types of clothing are you most likely to buy?

My wardrobe is pretty much black t shirts, pop culture tees, checkered shirts, hoodies from Urban Outfitters, black jeans and way too many items of fishnets stuff and chokers.
In general I wear layers like a tee, a hoodie, my camo jacket then either jeans or jean shorts and fishnets

do you go to high school or university? if you attend high school, what do you plan on studying when you graduate? if you attend university, what are you studying now?

I'm studying forensic psychology at uni, two more weeks then i'm back to studying aha

happy friday/saturday! what are your plans for the weekend? ?

I'm mostly doing chores and art this weekend because it's all built up whilst I was on holiday aha

what was your last text conversation about, if you're willing to share?

I just use fb messenger to talk to everyone but i'm just telling a friend about stuff i've been doing in Germany

It's International Cat Day! Post a funny cat GIF!

Ok so I know i'm not as active on here as usual anyway but from tomorrow i'll be in Germany for 6 days so I probably won't be active at all

what mistake have you recently learned not to make again? are there any mistakes you keep making?

I have a tendency to distance myself from my friends when I'm sad which makes me feel worse and I am currently working on it

who was the last person you spent quality time with? what did you do together?

The dude i'm into
Went to an aquarium, got kfc and ice cream, made out on the beach A LOT

what is your favorite aspect of your personality? your least favorite?

This is both my favourite and least favourite but I am really empathetic which is great a lot of the time but like I can be wide awake at 4am absolutely tearing myself to bits over one of my friends been slightly upset or something
Liked by: Bethan

Why did you breakup btw? I'm sorry if i'm being nosy but I remember you were always with him and you wanted to move in together

He said he didn't feel the same way about me anymore and when I started looking back on it a few days after the breakup I probably wasn't that into him as I used to be.
We've both very different people to who we were when we got together if i'm been completely honest and the entire thing was a bit stale and boring really.
Liked by: Bethan

You've just broken up with someone and you're already getting off with people?

I've been single for months lmao, I didn't mention it on here for ages after it happened because
a) I was inactive on here for awhile
b) Who wants to deal with anon drama straight after a breakup
Also even if i'd just broken up with someone not long ago and I was already seeing someone else that's my own god damn business lmao
Liked by: Bethan

what's your opinion on hickeys?

Honestly not gonna lie I have one on my neck and my chest at the moment (It's a straight up bite mark but it's bruised so same difference)
Liked by: Bethan

in your opinion, what is currently the most alarming threat to our society?

The fact we have a conservative government is pretty crap tbh
Liked by: Bethan

what has been your most controversial opinion (i.e. which opinion of yours has received the most backlash on social media)?

Tw for mentions of violence and death
Basically earlier this year in my town a little girl was killed by a 15 year old girl. I've followed the case a lot because stuff like this really doesn't happen in my town + am a forensic psych student so it's interesting to me. As more details came out and the girl went to trial it came out that she was severely mentally ill, was suffering from severe psychosis at the time of the killing and was seeing a therapist for PTSD and depression who was aware she was at risk to herself and other but did nothing about it which is no surprise because mental health services in the uk are trash especially for young people (can confirm from experience). It was in my opinion that the girl shouldn't be charged with murder because I believe she wasn't completely aware of what she was doing and I think she should be in a hospital not prison. Prison would not help her at all and it would probably lead her to reoffending if she was released or taking her own life. So many people went off at me for this because apparently if you take someone's life it should automatically mean you forfeit yours. Crimes are all on a case by case basis, you can't compare some dude stabbing up a girl after she rejected him to someone who's perception of reality was so warped they had no idea what was going on. There's plenty of cases of young offenders who have killed someone getting help and never offending again either

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Liked by: Bethan


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