

Ask @Millierawrz

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Post a picture of your angry face!

It's pyjama day at work for charity and I'm wearing a onesie and I am really regretting it because I am ridiculously damn hot in this
Pray for me
Liked by: Bethan Alice Jackson

If there was a big game in a park or something and half the people playing knew a secret word and the other half had to catch them and tickle them until they told them what it was and you could pick what side you were on would you play

What are the most important advantages of Internet?

I have to set off for work in an hour.
I'm still in bed.
I have 0 motivation today, I just want to play The Sims and die from my foot been in pain.
Liked by: Bethan Alice Jackson

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You've used the same poor attempt at insulting me (or my boyfriend I suppose, he doesn't even look at my ask nor does he particularly care about petty attempts at racism) 3 times now. Try harder buddy.

When was the last time you ordered pizza? What kind of pizza was it?

I've damaged a muscle in my foot at work when I stretched up to get a customer something off a mannequin (I was literally the smallest member of staff around yet she still asked me to get it) and she didn't even buy the damn thing

Is there a teacher, who has inspired you during your school years?

Not particularly.
The only really memorable teacher was my geography teacher because she wrote me a letter when I was in hospital essentially telling me I was gonna fail and not to bother doing the exam. I got the highest grade lmao

What's the worst movie ever?

My boyfriend made me watch Cabin In The Woods and that was genuinely awful.
I don't like anything Adam Sandler has done at all.
I've kinda gone off the Avengers side of Marvel movies like they're pretty boring now.

What did you dream about last night?

I fell asleep watching kdrama so something to do with that I think, like I'm sure the Grim Reaper from Goblin was there somewhere
Liked by: Bethan Alice Jackson

Chinky chow mein, lmao that's so funny.

Honestly other than the slur I don't really understand how that's insulting
"Oh boy your boyfriend is from a culture that has delicious food, sucks to be you"
Liked by: Bethan Alice Jackson

Why did the government buy blood?

Basically nobody wanted to donate blood so the Chinese government restricted the import of blood then asked for local investment from pharmaceutical companies to poor, rural areas where they built plasmapheresis stations and then made this huge campaign on how selling blood plasma will reduce poverty which is why so many people took part because Henan province was (and I think still is) one of the poorest areas in China.
3 million people gave blood and it's estimated that at least 40% of them contracted AIDS. The entire situation is super shitty because if they'd have actually taken steps to make the entire thing hygenic and safe they'd have probably made people's lives better. If you Google "China blood selling scandal" and "Plasma Economy" there's a load of stuff about it, it's an interesting read

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Liked by: Bethan Alice Jackson

What is the last book you read ?

Dream Of Ding Village by Yan Lianke.
It's fiction but inspired by true events.
Basically in the 90s the Chinese government started buying blood and they targeted the poorest areas of the country so they'd be more inclined to sell and it led to people with no medical knowledge setting up stalls to take blood and they'd reuse the same needles multiple times and multiple people's blood would be mixed together and it led to villages been absolutely wiped out due to the spread of HIV/AIDS and nobody has ever taken responsibility for what happened or offered reparations.
The author is from Henan province which is one of the areas that was affected and the book was censored in China, it was super interesting tbh
Liked by: Alice Jackson Bethan

Has studying forensic psychology made your more scared of people?

No, if anything it's made me more empathetic because of the links between crime and poverty and that kind of thing.
I definitely notice things a lot more when I meet new people like when I was dating before I was in a relationship I'd notice like red flags about people before I got involved with them so I could stay the hell away from them.
Liked by: Alice Jackson Bethan


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