

Ask @Millierawrz

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Why do religions that support love cause so many wars?

Advice Page
It's not so much the actual religions but more the people that take religious teachings totally out of context or fail to understand that other belief systems are different. Religion is a great thing but there's people who twist it for their own purposes and that's where war comes into it

send your links going to spend some time doing opinions :')

✨ Amy ✨
You can tell loads of annoying girls got games consoles for Christmas because my ask is full of selfies of them trying to eat their controllers. Smh
Liked by: Gee ✨ Amy ✨

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we should fart freely. just because we're girls doesn't mean we aren't human! making us hold it in because it's not "ladylike" is just an excuse for men to oppress us. be proud of who and what you are!

I think people are giving you crap for the benefits thing because there's people who need them more than you

You are making a massive assumption about my family's income there.
Me and my mum aren't very well off, we struggle to buy enough food each week.
If I wasn't entitled to benefits I wouldn't be getting them. There's people who claim benefits fraudulently yet you're kicking off over someone who actually honestly needs the extra money. Please don't assume i'm claiming money because i'm greedy, lazy or whatever, it actually goes towards my living costs.

Anyone on Ask you'd like to talk to more get to know better?

I always seem to get people who were hella rude to me at school popping up and saying "wow I didn't know you liked anime!" or trying to start conversations with me about gaming and i'm just like "Remember when you took the piss out of me for been 'geeky' and called me ugly etc etc lol bye"
Trying to get in my good books because you have realized i'm a Queen won't work
Liked by: Nibro

Do you have or want a tattoo? What and where?

Have a tattoo of an alien on my wrist
Getting something Majora's Mask related done next month
Liked by: Nibro

It really pisses me off that people are giving you shit for having a life while you have social anxiety. What do they expect you to do? Stay indoors all your life?

They're probably upset because I have a job and decent friends even though I'm terrified of social situations and they probably don't even have that in their life. There was a point where I couldn't even bring myself to take the bins out let alone go into town on a busy day and go to work. I've had to go home so many times before from panicking in town or at college and it pisses me off a bit that certain people think i'm making it up for an easier life. I have problems but i'm trying to beat them and if people don't like it they can just get over it

What good deed did you do this week?

Gave my boyfriend my good HDMI cable and left myself with one that doesn't play sound just so he could play Halo -.-
Liked by: Rita†

do you/have you ever worn wigs? do you know where i can get good quality ones from that aren't too expensive? (in the UK)

Every time i've ordered from them i've been really happy with what i've got. They do take awhile to turn up because they get shipped by standard from China but it's well worth it.
Have a look on Etsy as well

hahaha 2 pounds??? in my city a 2 liter coca cola costs 1 american dollar XD

That's cool but coke tastes like sewage so I really don't care
Liked by: Rita†


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