

Ask @Millierawrz

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I really want snakebites, septum, and my other ear stretched. I can kinda cover the stretcher. But the others are eh.

You can take the ball off your snakebites and just keep the bar in and if you get a certain size of septum ring you can flip it up into your nose so you can't see it unless someone looks up your nose

Why would anyone say that though? Piercings are hella. I mean. The only thing stopping me from getting them is school.

Different generations I guess, my grandparents give me hell for it too.
What piercings do you want? I know a lot about hiding them for school because I had my snakebites done when I was still at school

worst thing about having piercings?

People that make an instant judgement on your personality because of them.
I understand that obviously there's a stereotype linked to things like that but i've had so much verbal abuse, particularly on public transport because a lot of the older generation think i'm going to mug them -.-
I get almost as much abuse in public for it as I do because of my blue hair

depends what you define as 'give people shit'. if you say, 'I don't agree / understand what you beleive therefore it is bullshit' then no, i agree. but in short incredible claims requires incredible evidence. This is where religion falls flat on its face

I worship nature basically and there's a fair bit of evidence that nature is real so bye now.

everyone has the right to believe what they like, and everyone has the right to think that those same beliefs are fucking ridiculous

You can't excuse "well I don't agree with your beliefs so i'll just bash you for them" as a fucking belief system.
You every right to believe what you like but it still doesn't give you the right to give people shit for not thinking the same as you.

Why do you use ableist slurs even when you're against ableism?

It's a habit i'm trying to break tbh so yeah, sorry if I come off as a dick by doing so.
and tbf i'm considered disabled by my local council and I know some people consider it slightly less shitty if you're disabled yourself and you use them but w/e i'm trying to not use them so much so please be patient with me (Y)

Do you think people who are "goth" dress that way because they like to or because it is a way of showing their emotional/mental/spiritual problems or distress?

Literally stereotyping a entire sub-culture as having issues.
Please stop now.
People can wear whatever they like and still have problems.
Man, people who wear chinos and snapbacks could have serious problems but because people who are part of the goth sub-culture look different it's easier to accuse them of been the broken youth or w/e


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