

Ask @Millierawrz

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how would people make money off saying she killed Kurt though?

There's so many books and movies about it, just like how there's countless books on Elvis not really been dead and 9/11 been caused by the US government. Say something outrageous enough and it sells ok because there's a lot of stupid people willing to listen

do you think Courtney Love killed Kurt?

No, that theory is so dumb. Yes, they had a pretty destructive relationship but they loved each other so much and if you read pretty much any book on Kurt or Nirvana it will say he had problems growing up and he attempted suicide on a few occasions anyway. There's literally no motive for Courtney to have killed him and people just make crap like that up to try and make money. It's sad and pathetic.

If you could bring any famous person back from the dead in exchange for another famous person, who would you choose and why?

Ash Oates
I'm really tempted to say Kurt Cobain but he was such a tortured soul and it might be cruel to bring him back but I guess we understand depression more than we did 20 years ago so idk
but i'd seriously swap someone for Justin Bieber because he is a vile creature and the world would be a better place without him breeding his ignorance

did you stay friends with friends from primary school though high school?

Well my best female friend started calling herself a "chemo" which according to her means you're half chav, half emo and I sorta thought then was the time to part ways then my best male friend started asking me for nudes and when I refused he called me a slut
so yeah, this is why i don't like people

So you'd ban Islam in a nutshell xD

Another Brick In the Wall.
No, Quite a lot of Islamic teachings are pretty good beliefs to live by but there's a lot of people who totally ignore what is been said and use it to excuse hatred. Religion is a great because if people need something like that to get them through life then yeah, that's cool but twisting something to excuse blatant hatred because you don't agree with it isn't ya know.
I'm also pretty sure Christians use the bible to excuse hatred more than Muslims do with their religious text but hey ho

wernt you in another relationship when you met your boyfriend?

I was seeing someone a few weeks before who was basically using me to break up with his girlfriend and as soon as I got into a proper relationship he sent me a bunch of messages about how he loves me and how I was a "horrible slut" for going for someone else... at the exact same time he was messaging my sister trying to get in her pants
Liked by: Alice Jackson

Hello Levi :) If you could destroy anything, anything in the whole world or completely erase it from existence what would it be and why?

Another Brick In the Wall.
hmm probably the people who take religion totally out of context so they can use it to hurt people. Religion is beautiful at its core but people using certain quotes from religious texts to excuse homophobia, sexism, racism etc is pretty messed up


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