

Ask @Millierawrz

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Virginity applies to men also

except it's not a big deal when guys lose their virginity, guys don't get called sluts/slags/whores when they do, guys don't have purity balls, if a guy is raped whether they were a virgin or not doesn't get taken into account
Not to mention the entire origin of the concept of "virginity" is guys don't want a "dirty" woman

If your mum wants you to have something to remember your gran by, surely a tattoo would last much longer? Necklaces can get broken or lost, a tattoo is permanently there, always on your body. Tell your mum it's YOUR decision, not hers.

I've just had a bunch of questions like this aha
Honestly I don't really like jewellery aside from my facial piercings so they've spent well over £200 on me for nothing and I feel pretty bad.
Plus I actually told my mum I'd prefer money than a gift and she went and told people to buy me stuff anyway

does your mum not realise a tattoo would probably be a better dedication to your gran because it's on your bloody skin -.-

I actually have a box under my bed of watches, makeup and clothes which my family have got me that I don't want.
That, in my opinion is more ungrateful than asking to return something i'll never wear in exchange for something I actually want.
A tattoo is a better way of remembering my grandparents than some necklace in a box under my bed -.-

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how's your mum ruined your birthday?

Every year for Christmas and my birthday my family buy me stuff I don't really like or want because they assume i'm like every other girl in my family and can't even be bothered to ask me what I actually like. My gran has bought me a really expensive necklace and I feel really fucking bad because I don't wear stuff like that whatsoever so it'll basically get shoved to the back of my wardrobe and I just asked my mum if she can send it back and I can have the money for a tattoo instead which is something I actually want and she spent the last 20 minutes bitching me out because "i'm an ungrateful cow and my gran isn't going to be here forever so I should be happy I'll have something to remember her by"

What did you mean virginty dosn't exist? I know it used to mean something about purity and all that, but meaning of stuff gets changed over years (gay - happy to gay - homo) so now it just means if you have had sex or not

virginity is an idea that MEN made up to control the sex lives of women. Look virginity up online and the original meaning is a "sexually impure women" or some such bs. The whole idea is that men don't want a woman who's "not pure". The concept of virginity is a washed up idea and we don't need it because it just leads to sexism and rape culture etc etc

does your boyfriend ever annoy you?

Since I've had my Wii U i've hardly played it because he is always on it and sometimes he'll ask me for something and i'll say no or later and he'll just keep asking but that's like the only things and he makes up for it with everything else :)
Oh and he takes up all the room in my bed and i'm so uncomfortable right now but meh
Liked by: Soy Sauce Kate Gough

well what age did you first have sex? honesty hour

I will forever not understand why this matters so much to people, as if it somehow makes you a different person
I was 15 ooooooooo dramatic

What can you do that others can't do?

I'm super pissed off before i've just had to spend £15 ordering pizza for me and my boyfriend because my mum has left us with no food whatsoever and it was money that I need for something i've preordered

how do you feel that pokken tournament is only an arcade game for japan?

It's not. It's been ported to console in the future. Most fighting games are released in Japan in arcades to get hype for when they move to console. They wouldn't of made an English trailer for it if it was only been released in Japan either.


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