

Ask @Millierawrz

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Racism towards white people does exist. I was a victim from the ages 3-7. I had to move schools because I had developed depression. It's really not a laughing matter.

prejudice towards white people exists. There's a big difference. I never said it was a laughing matter but some people been arseholes to you at school does not amount to what people of colour experince. I'm very sorry for what you went throught but it was in no way racism.

do you self harm? have you ever attempted suicide? why? honesty hour

Yes and yes
It's none of your business why, only 4 people outside my family know why and it's not fair on people who've been through the same sort of things to read about shit like that.

are you happy with your life?

Honestly, no i'm not. I've drifted away from all my mates and I just seem to be stagnating. I sorta have the mindset that if I didn't have a boyfriend right now i'd probably be dead

Thinking about doing a blog about hair and what I have learnt to be the best over the years yay or nay? (sorry if this annoys you please ignore if you dont wanna answer) ~sent to everyone I follow


What made you choose your best friend?

Ash Oates
Well my best friend Connor was because I actually had a crush on him and we just became great mates and I haven't seen him in weeks and it is proper shite
and my friend Courtney because I made her laugh all the time and she's probably the one person who thought me been an utter bellend throughout school was appealing

they were -.- Vikings upon saxons being example a :/

The Saxons were orginally from the same place as the Vikings, they just happened to settle here. Not to mention both the vikings and saxons were white. That had nothing to do with racism, if Vikings won a battle they thought they had won the right to take a villages women or whatever. There is a HUGE difference between that and white people kidnapping people and treating them worse than shit because of their skin colour
Also the number of people the Vikings took was in no way to the extreme that white people kept black slaves.
I could go into detail about how the vikings actually looked after their slaves and had a vast respect for their women but ya know....

My Daily Question 26/08/2014~ if you had to do something for charity to raise money what would you do e.g shaving all your hair off?

shave my legs because I can never be arsed to do them unless i'm going to be wearing a dress or shorts

you can be racists towards white people -.-

Racism is founded strongly on beliefs that people are inferior to others because of their skin colour. This does not in any way happen to white people. White people were not rounded up from their homes and dragged across an ocean and forced to work because they were perceived as been "lesser beings" because of their skin colour. White people are never denied anything because of skin colour etc etc
I can go on for a while but racism towards white people does not exist. You can be prejudice towards a white person but there's a huge difference between that and racism

Some people say that you can't be racist towards white people. What do you think? [[Sorry I have to do a school project so I'm asking people a survey]]

in no way, shape or form can you be racist to a white person


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