

Ask @Millierawrz

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Which do you think is more important: following the dreams your parents want for you or following your own dreams?

My mum wants me to be a hairdresser like her and i'd rather die
you feel me?
Liked by: Gunner Ash Oates

What's your wildest fantasy?

This sounds sexual but i'm sorry if it's not >.<
Well uhm it'd be totally cool if my boyfriend dressed up as Levi from Attack On Titan or Gaara from Naruto and ya know....

What’s the first thing you’d do if you were the opposite sex for one day?

I know this is so obvious and unoriginal but i'd have a wank, I'm curious to what it feels like aha
Then i'd pee standing up because why the hell not

wow that sounds crap, didn't the college do anything about it?

No because I started skipping lessons and turning up late to avoid them they said I was in the wrong because I didn't ask for help, refusing to acknowledge that because of the mental illnesses I suffer from I'm basically incapable of asking a stranger for anything let alone to tell them something personal like I was been bullied

How was your ex harrassing you?

Basically him or his girlfriend would follow me around, if I went to sit in the libary they'd come sit right next to me or they'd sit next to me on the bus. They'd also follow me around Tesco when I was buying my lunch and stuff, so yeah it was pretty crappy
Liked by: B Ash Oates

Do you go to college?

I did but left because I was been harassed by my ex and his girlfriend and because my mental health went to shit. I'm hopefully starting again in September though at a school near my house :D
Liked by: B Samm Ash Oates

Is it hard to learn Japanese? What's the best way?

It is to begin with because it's so different from English but once you pick up the basics it's really fun and easy. There's loads of good resources online if you google them and you can find people on tumblr who are learning too and they can help you out and give you advice :)
Liked by: Ash Oates

Are cats or dogs smarter?

One of my cats gives his paw when he wants treats and can high five and he also can turn my Xbox on for me so definitely cats :')
Liked by: B Ash Oates

have you ever written a song?

I made up a song when I was cutting up some chicken last week
The lyrics were just "chicken knife" over and over again but it still counts ok
Liked by: B Ash Oates

How important is money to you?

There's more important things really but I enjoy treating myself often so it really does suck when i'm broke


Language: English