

Ask @Millierawrz

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How did you meet your boyfriend?

I was seeing someone who was friends with him and we started talking on Facebook. The guy I was seeing turned out to be a massive tool and I ended up spending every day for about a week talking to James, we met up and he chased me around WHS with a One Direction book. He came round to my house a few days later and we ended up making out while playing Left 4 Dead and that's that.
This is so romantic it hurts ok
Liked by: yo Soy Sauce

What countries have you visited?

Turkey, USA, Canada, Spain, France, Egypt, Norway,Scotland, Wales
Hopefully Japan and Sweden in the next year or so ^_^
Liked by: Soy Sauce

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What is your goal in life?

I either want to be an english teacher abroad or write comic books/ manga with my boyfriend.
I have no idea really, the future scares me aha
Liked by: yo Soy Sauce Ash Oates

why did you even buy a homeless man lunch? why not just give him the money then he wouldn't have had a go at you

How would I know that he wouldn't use that money for drugs or alcohol, that sounds like i'm stereotyping but that's the sad truth and it happens a lot. I felt sorry for him because it was pissing it down and I walked past him everyday. I didn't expect him to scream at me for getting him the wrong type of sandwich -.-

homeless people actually terrify me omfg

There's some really creepy ones in York honestly and the rest seem to be really rude but I can't really blame them. They deal with a lot of shit so it's sort of understandable

Would you rather be a lonely genius, or a sociable idiot?

I actually hate been around people and prefer been alone so a lonely genius would be pretty cool, i'd make millions by writing a book on the meaning of life or something and get it published and live in a house in the middle of nowhere with lots of money to spend on cats, video games and sushi (Y)

Would you call yourself a “happy person”?

I guess there's certain aspects of my life i'm happy with but the majority of the time I feel i'd be better off dead or something so no. not really.

Pretty sure it's none of your mums business who the fuck you're with, i'd understand if she thought he was bad news or something not because she thinks he's boring

It's purely because when my mum was 17 like me she was dating people 10 years older than her, she keeps saying I should be dating someone in their 20s. I think it's a bit rich that she's trying to give me relationship advice when she got pregnant at 15 and has had a long string of abusive or shitty relationships. My ex who made me feel that shit I tried to kill myself is who she constantly compares my current boyfriend too which makes me so fucking mad. I can't be bothered with it and I worry James will leave me if he thinks my mum hates him or something

What's up?

My mum keeps telling me to leave James because she thinks "he's boring".
I can't be fucking arsed with people trying to fuck up the best thing that's ever happened to me.
Fucking hilarious how all she did was suck up to my emotional abusive ex but when i'm with someone normal she doesn't agree with it

Would you rather: Have a face and make up of a Clown throughout your life. OR. Wear the clothes of a Clown throughout your life? (Sent to all I follow)

I'd rather commit than not be able to do my kawaii make up and wear my Adventure Time shirt ever again.

Which is the best book you have read so far?

Actually amusing that I've lost followers because I refuse to spam them or do them a fansign.
So, if that's all you care about please unfollow me. I'd rather the people that follow me do so because I amuse them or we have similar interests etc not because all they care about is getting pointless attention to fuel their sad little egos.


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