

Ask @Millierawrz

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You said you don't like Attack On Titan yet you're watching it now? Hypocrite much

I never said I don't like it, I said it doesn't deserve the hype it has because there's better anime that are like it. It's alright just not something I'd fangirl over. I only really watch it because of Levi and my boyfriend likes it. Read what I actually post before calling me a hypocrite yeah
Liked by: Alice Jackson Bread

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There's a Titan with a nice booty in Attack On Titan, wut

PS4 just has better exclusives and I think it's a better system.

I generally prefer Xbox exclusives but I really want the new Uncharted which is why I'm considering a PS4

But I kinda want a PS4 a lot more so I think I'd get that before a Wii U >.<

I'm considering one if I get a job but I share an Xbox One with my boyfriend sooooo

No I mean what is £250? I have never had that much money in my life xD

Oh right :L
I only get stuff like that on rate occasions

I wish I had money for one, I need the new Zelda :(

If you order one get it off Nintendos online store, the Zelda edition is only £250 and has Windwaker with it

I'm just gonna sit and wait for Super Smash Bros.

I'm getting it on Wii U purely so I can use a Gamecube controller because childhood feels

You should abolutely get it, It's one of the best Zelda games of the current generation!

It's my birthday soon so I might ask my boyfriend :) there's so many great titles on the ds right now tho

Not bad but I'd go: 1. Minish Cap (First one I ever played) 2. Windwaker 3. Majora's Mask 4. Twilight Princess 5.A Link To The Past

Minish Cap really is brilliant :)
I've never really been into Majoras Mask tbh

I stayed up all night to finish A Link Between Worlds. I regret nothing.

I don't have it! :c only had a 3DS for a few months and I've had no money for it

Can you put your favourite LoZ games into order? Want to see if/where we differ:p

I'll do my top 5
1. A Link To The Past
2. Windwaker
3. Ocarina Of Time
4. Twilight Princess
5. Oracle Of Seasons

Warriors of Hyrule or whatever it is? I'm a big fan of both Legend of Zelda and Dynasty Warriors so I think it has good potential, wby? :D

Never played Dynasty Warriors but I enjoy hack n slash games so I'll probably love it :)

the fuck is queen jalhalla?

Jalhalla is the immense, obese leader of all Poes who appears as a boss in The Wind Waker
Chose the the username because i'm immense and obese too
hahahahahahahahaha *cries while eating cake*

pic of your butt

Pre-order me the limited addition of Assassin's Creed Unity then maybe
Maybe means no but do it for the lols
Liked by: Sean


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